This tomato came from a plant that was planted in the garden in May. This tomato was harvested on October 19, 2008. Three months ago. This thing has been sitting on my kitchen counter for three months. How? How is this possible? I do not know. A deal with the devil? The fountain of youth?
Whatever. When I conquer my vague feelings of uneasiness at its life-prolonging powers and eat this weirdo, I will win this thing once and for all. It's only a matter of time. I can outwait this tomato.
Or can I?
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Maybe Blackrock is the fountain of youth?
I'd whack it with a cleaver, smother it in garlic, throw salt around it to ward off lingering evil tomato spirits and say a rite of exorcism over it. Then I'd stuff it in my mouth and hope the hybrid from Hell is truly gone. But then again, I'm dramatic.
That thing IS a freak. And possibly sent here to destroy us all. What if you eat it and you suddenly stop aging? Or start aging backwards, like Benjamin Button?! DON'T EAT IT, KRISTIN!!!1!!11!!
Seriously, how is that possible? I have tomatoes that won't last for three days on my counter. Perhaps we should interrogate it until we get its secret.
Me too. All my tomatoes are already going bad on the way home from the store.
I think it'll give you superpowers if you eat it. :)
I'm in the eat-it-and-gain-its-magical-powers-for-your-own camp. And I want to chant, "EAT IT! EAT IT!" but that's just nasty, so I won't. But eat it.
I can't think of anything clever to say after reading Amy's comment. That is hysterical! I think you should feed it to one of the creatures and then try to butcher it and see if it will die or if it has amazing survival powers. Could be an easy way to get rid of a lovebird...
I still have a few dozen tomatoes waiting to be eaten. I'm thinking sloppy joes or pasta.
OR...you could send it to Guantantomato and torture its secrets out of it...
you know what? i wouldn't eat the little sucker... let's take bets to see how long it will last for.
Don't eat it! Frame it!
I love you, man. And I love Amazon. And, hey, I comment A LOT.
Enter me, enter me, enter me!!!!!!
Well considering the average cold room (root cellar, whatever ya wanna call it) temperature is probably a couple of degrees warmer than your house, I'm not surprised it's lasted so long. You'll probably live to be 115 and look you're 29 forever more
Faye S
How about saving it for seeds? A long lasting tomato like that deserves to live on. Bwahh...haha!
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