You know the fable of the ant and the grasshopper, where the grasshopper spends all summer messing around, refusing to get ready for winter while the industrious (and frankly, a little annoyingly smug) little ant scurries around preparing until winter is upon them and the grasshopper has nothing and has to beg for mercy from the self-righteous ant?
We're ants. I know this because I spent some hours last week prepping food that will be consumed this winter and A. spent much of yesterday splitting wood and beginning The Woodpile.

This is about three days' worth of wood. If we're lucky.
I'm not gonna lie--it's a little depressing to already be working on the woodpile. In July. Intellectually, I know we still have at least two more months until we'll be building fires, but psychologically? The sight of that woodpile just makes me feel cold.
It doesn't help that this has been an amazingly cool summer anyway. It hasn't really felt much like summer at all. So I will try to put the inevitable coming winter out of my mind and instead try to will some hot weather into being so I can at least have some ripe tomatoes before the end of summer is upon us.
My dreams are modest.
* HAAAA! Geddit? Ants, antsy? Yeah, never mind.
Considering the fact that it has been in the 100s forevber here, I think you are joshing me about this thing you call winter.
i wish, wish, wish we could have cooler weather here. it's 102 and 8:00...
The Target near my house has had their "Back to School" section up for TWO WEEKS already, and it makes me anxious. I hate it when cold weather stuff looms over my summer, dammit!
TWO MONTHS? It will be fire weather there in two months?
Oh Kris - that's scary.
Although I'm totally with you on the "already prepping for winter" thing. My cupboard is already filling up with canned goods. This weekend? 10 quarts of pickles. Because, you know, winter = pickles?
Our neighbor heats his house with a woodstove. He seems to be gathering and chopping wood year round. I hope you're not feeling too cold!!
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