Thursday, September 17, 2009

The Carrots Win

If we're talking about bizarre and amusing vegetables, that is. And aren't we always?

I don't know what it is about our soil that makes carrots sprout extra appendages and grow all twisted, but they do. Always. This year, the carrots got particularly large, and so their deformities are particularly amusing. Also, I totally forgot we had this package of sample carrot seeds of all different colors that we randomly threw in at the end of the carrot row when we ran out of regular carrot seeds. Then when I started digging up carrots awhile ago and I came across a white carrot, I was very, very confused. And A. was all, "Bunnicula got to our carrots!"

That was really funny.



Anonymous said...

Hi, Kristen, I'm new to your blog, so I've been going back through earlier posts. Congratulations on your pregnancy, but I couldn't help but wonder how this part of a post you did over a year ago is going to come back to haunt you?

"It seems like half the people I know are always complaining about how tired they are, how they just can't get to bed early. I don't understand this. You go to bed when you want to go to bed. I do."

Good luck on that.

Anyway, I do love hearing about your adventures. Again, congratulations!

Drew @ Cook Like Your Grandmother said...

Even normal carrots have always been slightly phallic, but great googly-moogly.

Garden Pheenix said...

BUNNICULA! lol what a flashback :cD

Anke said...

That was food porn... :-)

Kristin @ Going Country said...

Anonymous: You might also note that I did indicate an exception to that would be a baby. Lack of sleep will, no doubt, be a serious issue for me. But one that I can do nothing about at the moment. So I'm making like Scarlett and not thinking about it today.

Anonymous said...

BUNNICULA!!! I want to hug you for referencing Bunnicula. (Please tell me you also read Ramona too. OMG I LOVED HER.)

Anonymous: trying to scare the pregnant lady about how tired she'll be? NOT COOL, MAN.

Pat said...

Holy Kasabamelons, Batman! Those are some funky looking carrots!

These look like some devices I saw at the "naughty store"! Oh! I mean that someone TOLD me about! Yeah, that's it! ;0

Very funny looking

Phoo-D said...

Yes, I don't which made me smile more- the carrots or the fact that A. knows about Bunnicula! I knew you both were cool kids =).

DavidShag said...

That is quite a collection - I have never seen anything like that one that looks like a saguaro. I was thinking that hard soil might cause distortion, but I am sure you do all the right things - I have had deformities, carrotly speaking, but not like these. I planted red carrots this year - waiting to see how they come out. I like the yellow one that is crossing its legs - must be female...

Anonymous said...

I am interested in a taste test. What do you think about the flavors of the different colors? Do they taste like the regular carrots?

Anonymous said...

You should have those on display at the State Fair! Not certain under what category! Lance

rls said...

I'm gonna go with "radioactivity."

FinnyKnits said...

I love the funny carrots the best. Gives us reasons to create new jokes. I really should grow carrots again, they are so good from the garden.

Any standouts?

Daisy said...

I like the ones that are winding around themselves!