Thursday, November 5, 2009

Harvesting Harvesting, Tra La Tra La

Don't ask me what that little jingle in the title is. I have no idea. Although I do somehow picture the seven dwarfs when I say it in my head.

My head is a scary and lonely place.


More harvesting. More filthy vegetables. More likelihood that I will, one day, actually have to enter the produce section of the grocery store for more than the lemons required for cocktails.

But I can't contemplate that sad day yet. Instead, let's contemplate my harvest from yesterday. WHEEE!

The last of the radishes, the last of the beets, not even close to the last of the leeks, a random volunteer squash that was delicious, and a couple of potatoes from the cellar.

We had the leeks (stewed), the squash (baked and mashed with butter), and the potatoes (baked) for dinner last night, with some of the most recent lamb chops from this year's lambs (broiled--and scrumptious). The beets and radishes will have to wait until tomorrow. My patience for dirty vegetables was exhausted last night by the time I finished dealing with the leeks and potatoes.

I think you could probably read something very obscene into that last sentence, but my mind is too pure for such things.

Have a nice day.


SaintTigerlily said...

Dirty girl. I am calling Vegetable Protection Services.

Anonymous said...

Boohoo the last of the fresh veggies from the garden. They look yummy.
VPS har har .
Word verification 'under' where do I go with that?

Kristin @ Going Country said...

Those aren't the last fresh vegetables. There are still leeks, chard, collard greens, and parsnips out there. Plus purple cabbage and potatoes in the cellar.

Anonymous said...

I had a weird dream last night that I was eating buttery mashed squash. Seriously. It would be kind of eerie considering that's what you wrote about today,'s squash. I think I can move on now.

Anonymous said...

Alright...more fresh veggies from the garden...collard greens ."yum, yum" . Really, what is your recipe for those? And chard? I am interested. We have a cellar full of potatoes.They keep well. How well do cabbages keep in there?

x said...

I have a million jingles in my head, too. Me and you need to go into advertising. :)

Veggies, yum.

FinnyKnits said...

Ooh - acorn squash! Something else I've never grown.

I'm getting antsy for potatoes. This is the year.

Go on with your dirty self.

Daisy said...

Hmmm. Leeks. I could grow leeks in my garden. But they really are so dirty!

Pat said...

Did it ever cross you mind to, I don't know, maybe have a, um, SMALLER, garden? LOL! You are working ALL THE TIME, harvesting, washing, canning all that stuff. Man, you work way to hard for me! :)