Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Sneaky Sheep

Cubby and I were wandering around the garden yesterday, inspecting plants and cursing the weeds, when I heard a sheep maaing in the barn. I thought to myself, "Huh. That's weird. I thought A. put the sheep up in the main pasture this morning."

So I peeked over the back of the barn and saw one of the young Cotswolds looking up at me. And a little lamb wandering around the barn. Then I did a double take, because . . . Wait. Neither of the young Cotswolds have HAD a lamb yet. At least, not that I was aware of. And not that A. was aware of, either.

Except she did.

Apparently, she was in labor when A. moved the rest of the sheep in the morning and he didn't notice he was short one ewe. He always counts the lambs, but doesn't pay too much attention to the rest of the flock. So this Cotswold, a first-time mother, stayed in the barn and had her baby boy all by herself. It was already dry and steady on its feet when I saw it.

Cubby and I went inside to inform A. of the addition to his flock. Then we resumed our garden wandering. And weed cursing.

Current lamb count is seven, with two ewes left to deliver. And God knows when THAT might be. Lambs are just appearing out of nowhere! It's all part of the magic of Blackrock. You just never know what's around the corner.

P.S. I'll try to get a lamb photo today to post tomorrow. I didn't get one yesterday because I was hauling around Cubby and the camera was upstairs and . . . well. I just wasn't that motivated.


Anonymous said...

BABY LAMB!!! Can't wait to see pics.

(Oh, btw, someone in my neighborhood is raising a few "city chickens." She got the chicks last week, and I cannot wait to go over there and freak out over them.)

Anonymous said...

Spring has sprung in more ways than one. Waiting for pics..any pics. Beth Duct tape...duct tape the camera to your forehead. :) Duct tape...the OTHER hand and woodchuck worthy.

SaintTigerlily said...

I want a baby goat.

Alicia said...

lamby pictures!! AHHHH!

Saint Tigerlily:

FinnyKnits said...

Holy congrats!

How awesome to find a sneaky lamb just wandering about.

That's way more fun than finding a possum pooping on your roof.

Yeah, my life can be PRET-ty glam.