Tuesday, June 15, 2010


So. The other day I spied Belle the Devil Cat reclining nonchalantly on the top of Big Red. And I was all, "HA! Cat on a hot tin roof! Is funny!"

It was funny in my head, anyway.

The camera just happened to be sitting conveniently downstairs on the dining room table, so, uncharacteristically, I actually got a picture. But it came out like this:

Say huh?

I have no idea why there appears to be a misty green film overlaying everything. Maybe it was humid enough that day that the camera fogged up when I went outside with it. That happens sometimes. Or maybe it's the Devil Cat's evil aura visible only through the camera.

I'm going with option B.


Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, devil cat for sure. She wanted to catch the first rays of sun.

Drew @ How To Cook Like Your Grandmother said...

According to Reiki:

"GREEN AURA COLOR: Relates to heart and lungs. It is a very comfortable, healthy color of nature. When seen in the aura this usually represents growth and balance, and most of all, something that leads to change. Love of people, animals, nature; teacher; social

Bright emerald green: A healer, also a love-centered person

Yellow-Green: Creative with heart, communicative

Dark or muddy forest green: Jealousy, resentment, feeling like a victim of the world; blaming self or others; insecurity and low self-esteem; lack of understanding personal responsibility; sensitive to perceived criticism"

So which green would you call that?

Word verification: liessiag -- of or relating to Mardi Gras

Anonymous said...

Wow , too much thinking for me from Drew.....therefore, I am going with option 1. Beth

word verification 'gagynall'

ogre's fingernail fungus

sweetbird said...

Well, technically it's more of a fade issue that could be easily fixed with any photo editing program - but I'm going to go with devilish haze too.

FinnyKnits said...

I bet she can't see her reflection in a mirror either.

Devil cats.

Alicia said...

That looks like an old picture. Very cool.

X said...

I like the green haze. No, really. This picture is what I imagine the Countrytime Lemonade people's back yard to look like. :)