Monday, July 12, 2010

Just a Quick Question

Because I would really like to know: Are A. and I the last people left under the age of 60 who don't own cell phones?

Really. This is not a rhetorical question. Anyone else cellphone-less?


Anonymous said...

I'm a 41 yo, IT professional, and I don't have one!

Leslie said...

I wish I didn't have one! I'm even considering getting rid of mine once my contract runs out.

me again said...

Um, everyone I know OVER the age of 60 also has a cell phone......
Even my 76 y.o. MIL.....

Anonymous said...

We barely have one. I carry it for emergencies--from a breakdown on the highway to "they don't have your kind of cereal so what else will you eat" calls from the grocery store. But I hate to have long conversations on them because it sounds like you are on a walkie/talkie.

Mary in MN

Haley said...

I do have a cell phone, but my mother bought it for me. I wish I did not have it, and I often do not answer it anyway. I would not have got it on my own, unless maybe it was just for emergencies, to keep in the car or something. Personally, I hate the things.

Oh, and I know many people older than 60 who have cell phones.

Chiot's Run said...

Nope. we have a friend that doesn't have one and he's not getting one.

I'd do without, but we need them on filming day to communicate when we're both in different locations and need to coordinate meet-ups & locations. Fortunately ours are cheap b/c Mr Chiots and I share a family plan with my parents and we don't get phones with all the bells/whistles, no text, no data, no iPhones.

Anonymous said...

Here I am, waving my hand, see it? We don't have one either.
Thank goodness.
We rely on smoke signals and birds.

word verification 'goola'

almost Hungarian

Judi said...

I was going to tell you that, yes, you were alone in the world--but then I saw the comment from Anonymous. I have mine for emergencies, though, and only turn it on when I need to make a call.

When I lived for a year in an area that gets cell service, I used it as my main phone--and HATED it. I didn't like that everyone figured I could be reached at any time, any place.

If I could do without any phone at all, I would.

Kayla said...

Read your blog everyday from my cell phone.

Anonymous said...

My mom is only 59 years and 10 months young and she doesn't have a cell phone. My only phone is a cell phone but that's because the fire ants chewed through the telephone line somewhere along our 2 mile driveway and for some reason AT&T doesn't want to fix the problem. Can't imagine why. ;)

Just Me said...

One of my dearest friends doesn't have one and neither does her hubby. We have one, but we don't have a land line.

Daisy said...

If you don't need one, don't worry about it. I bought my first to keep tabs on my daughter when she was 16. We signed up for a family plan. Eventually we added my husband, and a few months ago, my son. With a daughter in college, it is really handy. She doesn't have a landline; it's her only phone.

tami Bami Wami said...

Yo no cellie here but a blackberry. Never make calls on it anyways since i can't hear a damn thing heh heh. The joys of being Deaf.

Alyssa said...

I can see why you guys don't need them with you and A. both working from home where there is a land line. We have pre-paid phones. Mine is for "emergencies" and came in handy when we were home on weekends with no land line. Jodi's is nice because he works through the summer at a non-connected location. When he's at school all day I'd have no other way of reaching him.

I don't mind being without mine, at home or not, but I'm glad he's reachable.

rls said...

I agree with Judi... I have a cell phone, but it irritates me that people expect me to be reachable all the time. When I'm sitting on the porch swing reading a book, I'm not going to answer my damn phone! Get over it!

Becky said...

The secret to having a cell phone rather than the other way around is to not give anyone its number. It's the cat's pjs when I'm traveling or trying to meet up with someone when something has gone awry. Other than that, it stays shut off. My very cheap plan makes it worth it for emergencies and the exceptions above. My daughter & I made it just fine through her childhood and teenhood by planning ahead, landlines, and pay phones (I know, not so easy to find anymore). Now, of course, she's on her cell constantly ( I tried to raise her right), but she knows better than to expect to reach me on mine.

Tammy said...

I think they are great in case of emergencies or something with the children - most pay phones aren't working any more and people typicaly don't let you borrow 'their' cell phone..
But my ex... drove me crazy with his - he had it out during dinner, had it out while the tv was on, any time we were stuck at a red light.. it absolutely drove me crazy... hmmm come to think of it - I don't have any problems with it .. anymore... haha it's gone.