Saturday, August 21, 2010

A Funny Thing Happened at 5:45 This Morning . . .

I was awakened this morning at the restful hour of 5 a.m. by my own little ravenous alarm clock. He obligingly went back to sleep after his feeding, whereas I lay there stewing about all the shit that needed to get done and how there just isn't enough time to get to it all. Then I realized that fretting wasn't really getting anything done either, and since I most assuredly was not going to get back to sleep, I got up and started doing stuff*. At 5:45 this morning.

And now here we are. It's 2:30 in the afternoon and this is literally the first time I have stopped working all day. I got a lot done. There is a lot yet to do. But I felt obliged to sit down and let you all know that I haven't been attacked by a rabid woodchuck and rushed to the emergency room for shots.

You know what's really sad? That is totally something that could happen to me and nobody would even doubt the likelihood of such a story coming from me. However, the truth is much more mundane and less dramatic. I've been busy. How boring.

Oh well. It can't all be high drama all the time. Even at Blackrock.

* Stuff involving cleaning and pesto and harvesting and putting things away and OH GOD IT'S ALL SO BORING.


Daisy said...

I know the feeling! I've been forcing myself to take breaks because I need the rest to recover from this #?*! anemia! Meanwhile, tomatoes are ripe and school is starting and I must get my classroom ready...

Alicia said...

Saturday is my busy day. :(

Anonymous said...

We do worry when we don't hear from you first thing in the morning! So it's "good" to know that you were just busy working, I guess. Mary in MN

jean said...

I'm glad to hear that you were busy not getting rabies shots!

Mayberry Magpie said...

I almost sent up a flare, so worried was I about the rabid woodchuck possibility. Glad it was merely chores.

I did that Saturday morning, too. Got a wild hair to completely rearrange our study and computer stations. Nearly took out Mr. Mom's email (oh the tragedy!) but all is well now.