Tuesday, November 9, 2010


I'm kind of all over the place this morning, what with our imminent departure and the fact that I have not, as of yet, packed anything.


Therefore, I present to you a cop-out list, which is at least all related to traveling. So that is the tie that binds this mess of thoughts together.

1) I was prattling on the other day to A. about our flight times and short layovers and dinner times and the food I was bringing on the plane. Then I interrupted myself to say to A. "You don't care about any of this, do you?" To which he replied quite seriously, "I would rather starve for 12 hours than plan ahead that much." Behold, Reason Number One why A. would not be a good primary caretaker for a baby.

2) I'm bringing several toys on the plane for Cubby's entertainment. Although a couple of the toys are actual children's toys, the others are all items meant for another purpose that nonetheless meet the criteria for children's toys suitable for plane travel. That is, they are small and fascinating to the child. These items include a Pez dispenser, a metal spoon, and a (CLEAN thankyouverymuch) snot baster. Ghetto toys? Perhaps. But if they keep Cubby entertained, I care about that NOT AT ALL.

3) I'm really, really hoping I won't need those toys, however, since I purposely chose late flights in the hopes of having a sleeping baby on the plane. This brilliant plan may, of course, totally backfire on me, and I may end up with a baby who WANTS to be sleeping but is instead having a nuclear meltdown. Let's all cross our fingers that Cubby gets lulled to sleep by the roaring of the engines and the soothing atmosphere of an airplane cabin. HA.

4) We are landing in Tucson at 10:05 p.m. local time (assuming all goes well). (PLEASEPLEASEPLEASE let it all go well). Which will be 12:05 a.m. body time. I have only one thing to say about that: God help us all.


Anonymous said...

Hope that things turn out well! Mary in MN

Drew @ How To Cook Like Your Grandmother said...

Forget Cubby. Let's hope you don't have a meltdown that far after your bedtime.

Word verification: cresc -- knock-off toothpaste.

Alicia said...

My parents in law drove from New York to California with a two year old and a newborn (my future hubby). They survived. You'll be okay. :)

Blue Gal said...

I found that measuring cups (plastic was best) were also very distracting.

Anonymous said...

Amen to your prayer. Beth

word verification-
kirte- short tempered stringed object

Anonymous said...

One word. Benadryl. As recommended by my pediatrician when I was flying with my own Princeling to Canada. LIFE. SAVER. Just saying.

Word verification: padacid -- where old hippies hang out and do... well, you know.

rls said...

It'll be fine. I remember the "please don't let them cry the whole way" from my own days of flying with little ones, but you know what? The other grown ups can suck it up. As long as you all get there alive, then it went well.

Verification word: hundsyc. It's 20/20.