Thursday, December 16, 2010

I'm Going To Stop Counting Now

All right, y'all. Let's just all stop whatever important activity we are engaged in right this second* and take a moment of silence to acknowledge post number 1,000.

Whether that moment acknowledges my doggedness, creativeness, and general bad-assery for posting every single day for over two years OR my narcissism, self-involvement, and general availability of free time for posting every single day for over two years is up to you.

Thanks for coming to my party. Carry on.

* Which for many of you should be actual work you are being paid for. Which means you're being paid to read this site. Rock on.


Phoo-D said...

Wow! 1,000. That is huge. Congratulations on putting it out there day, after day, after day.

Ann said...

You are on your way to being the Cal Ripken of blogging. Congrats Iron Woman!

sheila said...

happy birthday to your blog!

Alicia said...

Congrats on 1,000! That's awesome!
Let's see the profound things we've talked about over 1,000 posts..

The farm
Dead animals
Your dogs
How much A is awesome
Various food that we don't get to eat
Gardening sucks
Gardening is awesome
Raising an infant
The weather sucks
Th weather is great

No...not at work...still at home...the hubby accidentally woke me up at 5...FIVE am and I've been up since...

Drew @ How To Cook Like Your Grandmother said...

I've got my party hat.

Word Verification: hashe -- ingredient in party brownies

Patrick said...


Anonymous said...

Way to go !!! I think Cubby and you all will laugh and be glad for the record of all your good times. Beth
word verification-fansne

a groupie's midleg

Anonymous said...

Congrats!! And yes I DO get paid to read your blog and I must add that all 1000 have been terrific!!!

jive turkey said...

Hooray for post #1,000 AND A's birthday! Both events worthy of celebration.

Anonymous said...

It's great to start the morning at Blackrock, if only vicariously. Mary in MN

Susan said...

Congratulations! Your blog is the first thing I read every morning. I read it before I read the paper, my email or the caller ID telling who might have called in the middle of the night and couldn't wake me. I lurve your blog.

Word verification: MATERS. As in what's not in the garden right now.

rls said...

I love Alicia's list! Happy 1000 and may there be many many thousands more! (And Happy Birthday to A., too!)

FinnyKnits said...

1,000 awesome, terrifying, informative, educational, gross, incredible and delicious posts.

And then that one about breaking down the roadkill dear that basically covers all those categories.

Wuv you!