Sunday, December 12, 2010


There I was, at eleven o'clock last night, awake for no good reason. I don't know why I woke up after only sleeping a couple of hours, but I know why I couldn't go back to sleep--my stupid, irritating, crazy brain.

It just would not turn off. You may remember this is something of a habit with me. I was lying there running down my mental list of things I wanted to get done the next day, thinking that if it didn't rain too much maybe I could finally dig up the late potatoes in the garden and some leeks and oh those little carrots too . . . but then I would have to wait to take my shower because who wants to get all clean only to go out and dig in the mud . . . but then the dishes never got done so I would have to do those before my shower and that meant waiting until Cubby's last nap of the day and JESUS CHRIST my last shower was two days ago and I HAVE TO TAKE A SHOWER.

And then it was 12:45 a.m. and I was getting up to do the dishes. Because I was already mad about not getting to take a shower before my day even started and I certainly wasn't sleeping. So I figured I might as well get up and do something constructive.

That's how I came to be scrubbing pots at one in the morning. I got back into bed around 1:30 a.m. and finally fell asleep at two. I was up at 5:30 a.m. to feed Cubby and when he woke up for the day at seven I was feeling distinctly Unchipper.

But that clean kitchen sure was nice. And I took my shower. So there.


jen said...

leeks and carrots in december? oh, i am jealous. i put my garden to bed more than a month ago. it's now covered in five inches of snow, all neglected and forlorn.

Just Me said...

Glad you got your shower. When you have a very little one, that can be quite an achievement in and of itself.

I know that with my one year old, especially since my husband and I separated last month, I feel excited on the days I manage to find time to bathe.

Tami Bami Wami said...

Have you ever tried to take a shower with cubby. two for the price of one?

Kristin @ Going Country said...

Tami: No. I just can't figure out how a person can manage to wrangle a child in a wet, soapy environment without bodily harm coming to someone. I think it would be Unfun.

I know some people do it. Not me.

Drew @ How To Cook Like Your Grandmother said...

Sometimes thinking about something takes longer than doing it. In those cases, Nike's got it right.

Word verification: gumpik -- oral hygiene tool

Chiot's Run said...

I hate that, I'm a bit of an insomniac - OK I used to be a HUGE insomniac - waking up at all hours, getting up and working, not being able to go to sleep - ugh.

Then I discovered melatonin - ZZZZZZZZZ The best part is that the kind I buy is naturally fermented so it's chocked full of probiotics as well, since I started taking it a year and half ago I haven't been sick, sleeping and no sickness - that's heaven to me.

Anonymous said...

I must say, I am totally surprised you weren't out then digging potatoes/leeks instead of doing dishes. I will also be surprised if the potatoes are still good. Let us know?
Bodily harm to someone..chuckle , chuckle. I will admit a shampoo bottle is hard enough to wrangle in the shower ,let alone a squirming child. :) It might work of you could strap him in his high chair. Beth
word verification - sthin

hippie protest

Tami Bami Wami said...

Ha Ha i just pictured cubby strapped to his high chair and K placing him in the shower then stepping in. Could work.

Anonymous said...

Kristin, Batten down the hatches !
We are having one heck of a cold snap and winds like you wouldn't believe. Beth

Just Me said...

I've managed to take my babies into the shower with me. Not as hard as you'd think. But you can't set the water as hot as I like that way. And you have to try to do everything one handed. And be really careful.

Alicia said...

I usually get up in the middle of the night to do productive things if I can't sleep, so I can totally relate.

Usually when I can't sleep, it's because I have to be up really really early for something and I don't want to accidentally sleep in. So I basically don't sleep at all.