Sunday, March 13, 2011


The sheep shearer is coming today. Last year was the first year we ever had a professional come to do the shearing and it was GLORIOUS. It's going to be even more glorious this year, though, for two reasons.

First, I didn't just have a baby five weeks ago. For anyone planning on having a baby in the future, let me just go ahead and tell you that chasing sheep around a dog pen is not the ideal activity five weeks post-partum. You know, in case you ever find yourself five weeks post-partum and with this choice to make: Chase sheep? Or collapse on the couch while the baby sleeps?

Go with the couch. Trust me on this one.

Second, and related to chasing sheep around a pen, I got A. a shepherd's crook for Christmas this year. ( This one, in case you're in the market for a shepherd's crook.) This means that he can now stand in the middle of the aforementioned dog pen and snag all the sheep without having to move a step. In theory, this means my only contribution to the shearing will be sorting the wool and putting it in bags. That's much better than participating in the sheep rodeo.

Plus! This year Cubby can come outside to watch, escorted by his vigilant grandmother, of course, as the rest of us are going to be a wee bit too distracted to pay close attention to a toddler in the middle of a flock of sheep.

The fun never really ends at Blackrock.

Edited to Add: Know what else never really ends at Blackrock? Surprises. When A. went out this morning to get the sheep into the dog pen, he found that Bonnie had produced two splendid lambs last night. Alrighty then. Mother and babies are just fine, though I don't know if Bonnie can be sheared so soon after giving birth.


tu mere said...

Interesting that the crook can fit around the belly of a baby sheep (at least it looks that way in the picture). Also interesting that it's a gal not a guy showing it in the advertisement. Guess that makes sense since farm work is not particularly sexist, as I'm sure you will attest. Can't wait to see the pictures, that is if the Mil or you have the opportunity and the sheerer is open to being photographed.

Just Me said...

Congratulations to Bonnie. I'd love to see pictures of the little lambs.

Daisy said...

Cubby is such a lucky baby! He'll know so much about life when he grows up. He's in no danger of thinking that food comes from the grocery store. :)

Anonymous said...

I don't know a thing about sheep. But,I'd be afraid they'd freeze their @&&es off if you sheared them now. :) Forget just having lambs and then getting shorn 6 hrs are they gonna recognize their momma without her wild/furry hairdo?
Hope it is a fun day for Cubby...would like to see his reaction to all you grown ups running around after sheep and wrangling them. :) Beth