Tuesday, December 20, 2011


It seems to be a popular idea in our culture that height is an advantage for men.  I'm sure you've heard the theories and studies about tall men predominating in powerful positions, including the presidency.  But you know when height is a definite disadvantage for males?  When they're not quite two years old but can already reach doorknobs and all the knives on the counter.

Although that's not so much a disadvantage for Cubby as it is for me, I suppose.

1 comment:

Jenn said...

My sister (who has kids, I don't) told me that the height a child is at age 2, is half his full grown height. So you can work out how tall they will be. I don't know how accurate this is, but I think by this reckoning my nephew will grow to being 5'7 - an inch taller than both his parents, which seems reasonable to me. But we have a while to wait and see, as he's not 4 yet...