Wednesday, December 21, 2011

The Worst

What could be worse than getting ready for bed only to find that there are no sheets on said bed because they were washed and not put on yet?  Getting ready for bed and preparing to put the washed sheets on, only to find they aren't quite dry because a robe belt got wrapped around part of them in the dryer*.

I said a bad word.  Then I put the sheets back in the dryer for twenty more minutes.  Happy Tuesday night.

* I take that back.  The absolute worst would have been if I had done this when I was still schlepping our laundry to a laundromat because there was no dryer at Blackrock.  I guess it can always be worse.


Anonymous said...

There is ALWAYS worse.

Anonymous said...

Did we miss the Christmas tree? I remember you mentioning it as a future attraction, but has it happened yet?

Phoo-D said...

There have been a few nights where we just slept on the mattress with the quilt and no sheets due to laundry timing malfunctions. (That's what I call it instead of operator error!) It is pretty bad!

Jenn said...

I seriously hate that, especially because my husband will pull the clean duvet back over the mattress so that I forget that nothing is underneath until I pull back the duvet all ready for bed (because I've stayed up passed my sleep time reading blogs) to be met by a bare mattress. Definite bad word time.