Monday, January 14, 2013


How long is Charlie, you ask? (Well, one of you asked.) He's 28 and a half inches.  Also 17 pounds and 2 ounces.  Which is one LOOOONG, kind of skinny six-month-old.

He is also in some kind of unpleasant period in which he is either growing (AGAIN) or getting his first tooth. I think both. And that means (all you parents out there chime in!) the sleeping goes all to shit.

Not that he was an all-star at the sleep before, but now it's just back to the every few hours waking up and wanting to eat.

So.  Bigger baby with teeth in progress, along with more black circles under my eyes and a complete inability to remember--upon the random inquiry of Cubby--the name of the limpet in that one episode of "The Cat and the Hat" that we watched about two weeks ago. Until 2 a.m., when it suddenly comes to me:  Larry.  Of course!  Larry the Limpet!

See?  My brain functions totally normally!



sheila said...

I feel for you. I had 5. I don't think I ever recovered all the lost sleep. Before kids I never had trouble sleeping, I could easily sleep 12 hours if I wanted. After kids I don't think I've ever slept more than 5 hours. My youngest is now 22. Kids killed my ability to sleep uninterpted. Well, I could blame the dog too, she always has to go pee as soon as the sun comes up.

Anonymous said...

From the picture yesterday I told the hubs he looks 3 ft tall.
I even had him look at the picture and he agreed he did look long.
It won't be long he will be as tall as me.....heeee. Beth