Monday, January 27, 2014


A fine collection of random for you this Monday:

Those lambs hanging in the shed still haven't been cut up. And the way this winter is going, they won't be cut up until March. The entire outdoors is one big deep freeze. We have lambsicles out there. A. talked about taking them down and putting them in the cellar to thaw, and then doing the butchering on top of the chest freezer down there. Butchering does seem an appropriate activity for the Pit of Despair.

One of Charlie's favorite things to do is covertly chuck random items into the kitchen sink. This is kind of funny when I discover things like his toy cows or a plastic hammer unexpectedly in the sink. It is not so funny when he finds a drinking glass on the floor and decides to make that part of his game. Our sink is porcelain-covered iron. Glass shatters on contact with its surface. Super.

Because I like to be original and not at all a cliche of a stay-at-home mother (HA. HAHAHAHA), I decided to get the Jillian Michaels' 30-Day Shred DVD. Today is day four, and I can sum up this experience thusly: OW.

I do not think, however, that the spare ribs and sauerkraut I made for dinner last night are on her accompanying eating plan. But they were really good.

I am really, really hoping that this week's forecasted super-cold weather does not result in yet another preschool closing for Cubby. Mostly because I have to take Charlie to the pediatrician for a check-up and shots on Wednesday and I cleverly scheduled that during preschool so I don't have to wrangle both of them at the same time in a confined space.

I think that's enough. Top of the morning to you, and have a lovely day.


Anonymous said...

Oh, Shred! They offer that at the Y. RIPPED is a better class except you need hand weights. Shred is a killer, I hear.

Mary in MN (frozen today---all classes, including UMN, are canceled due to the -45 wind chill)

Anonymous said...

You sound a little cabin crazy: DVD workouts, cooking heavy meals (yum) and amused by random things in the sink. I know you are going into "sucky month" ie Febuarary. Hang in there!

It's, um, 60 degrees and sunny here. The dogs are panting hard after our run 'cause they are hot. Wish you were here so the boys could tear around the backyard, chase the geese near the pond and burn off some energy... Sorry....


Anonymous said...

Is Jillian Michaels human ? Beth

tu mere said...

You go girl! Obviously, you can't get outside to exercise, so whatever it takes. Although Ms. Michaels has an unrealistic body, we have to set goals, right?

FinnyKnits said...

The Shred is everywhere! Good thing you're not on Facebook - that shit is taking over.

Be strong, sister. And don't forget the cocktails. I'm sure that's the secret unmentioned item on her "accompanying eating plan".