Friday, February 7, 2014


Cubby is playing quietly and by himself (anyone with children knows why this rates italics) with his trains and cars, constructing elaborate scenarios of shunting and towing, when Charlie arrives on the scene to grab a very important vehicle and completely disrupt the fun.

Cue screaming.

Or: Charlie is playing quietly and by himself with the bags of coffee in the kitchen when Cubby arrives on the scene to grab Charlie in a headlock and completely disrupt the fun.

Screaming again.

OR: Cubby is quietly watching one of his precious cartoons when Charlie arrives on the scene to turn off the television and . . . 

Yup, screaming. AGAIN.

OROROR: Charlie is sitting by the window watching the birds at the bird feeder when Cubby arrives on the scene to swipe at Charlie's cheek and create a nice long scratch that actually involves blood.


I don't know if this is a boy thing or a small child thing, but it's definitely not a mommy thing. Good Lord.


Anonymous said...

Sounds typical between brothers to me! Mary in MN

tu mere said...

Who ever said to have more than one child so that the two or three or whatever number can be playmates and thereby give mom less child centered time obviously didn't factor in age or sex when they made the statement.