Thursday, March 19, 2020

Let It Be Known

The first garden produce of 2020 has been consumed.

Okay, so it wasn't much. I just thinned the arugula and added the thinned plants to my salad of roasted sweet potatoes, toasted nuts, cheese, and broccoli. But still! Fresh greens! On March 18!

A. said I had to write about it so we would remember next year when the first harvest was this year. Because this blog is pretty much the only way I remember anything anymore.

Also in Breaking Garden News, yesterday I transplanted our measly five tomato seedlings into their own pots and put a heating pad under the pepper seeds to try to encourage them to just sprout already. Today's gardening fun will probably be planting more tomato seeds, since our planned trip to the small city with a nursery has been postponed indefinitely.

And since that was a topic of very specific interest to me, how about something of more general interest?

Did you know that A.G. Thomas was a famous British composer who wrote the opera "Esmeralda"? I did not either, and neither did Cubby until he was directed to choose any entry he wished in the "T" volume of our encyclopedia to write about.

When it comes to expanding your knowledge base, the sky's the limit with a 1970s World Book Encyclopedia set and excess free time.

I suspect today's carefully-planned at-home school curriculum* will include a time to listen to that opera. If I can find it online. Because I'm all about child-led learning.

* Sarcasm. So much sarcasm.


Anonymous said...

I wonder if it might enhance the home-schooling efforts if each child were allowed to write a blog entry--with your supervision. I am sure that they would get lots of comments. Mary in MN

Anonymous said...

I'm so jealous of your arugula.
I second Mary's comment. I would love to read the boys posts.

mil said...

That opera was one I had never heard of--it has totally fallen out of the contemporary repertoire. Once in a while an opera is revived; I'll have to keep my eye out and my ear tuned.

Becky said...

MY favorite entry in the 1960 set of World Books was "Tattoo." It had rather lurid photos, or so they seemed when I was 10. I loved the whole set. It was heavily used for many a report and referred to by the whole family for decades.

Kristin @ Going Country said...

Mary and Linda: A nice idea, although my children are mostly unaware of the existence of this blog, and certainly don't read it. I guard it jealously (and yes, somewhat selfishly) as one of the few parts of my life that is not shared with my children.

Becky: I looked in ours, and they have a 1960 copyright. Under "tattooing," the only photo was of a Japanese lady getting her entire back tattooed. Maybe they added more photos later, as people's tastes got more lurid. :-)