Sunday, January 31, 2021

Breaking: A Very Special Snapshot

Well, looky what Cubby found in the pasture this morning:


The very first lambs of the year--twins--have appeared. They were both already up and nursing when Cubby saw them just after sunrise, and they seem to be doing well without any intervention. Hooray.

A. thinks they're both female, but he has a pretty hands-off policy with new mother sheep, so he hasn't actually been close enough to examine them very closely.

In any case, the current lamb count can begin.

So! Current lamb count: 2--two girls (we think), no boys, and five ewes left to deliver.


Gemma's person said...

Best breaking news ....birth! No attendant needed, wonderful !

Claire said...

Yay! And let's hope the mountain lion doesn'tcome back...

Anonymous said...


Andra said...

Aww...such a sweet picture! And I always love the blue sky in the background. 😊