Sunday, September 26, 2021

Snapshots: Wood Stacking, Walking, and Blue Sky

We bought two cords of wood for winter this year again, which means I had to mobilize my woodstacking army to get it all stacked in the porch.

In this case, "mobilize" is a euphemism for "bribe with chocolate milk."

Half an hour of stacking for a glass of chocolate milk. Anyone who stacked an extra fifteen minutes got an extra spoonful of syrup in their milk.

I'd never made chocolate milk before, so I used this recipe and made 1/3 of the total amount for the chocolate syrup. It was a hit, and all four children chose to do the extra time to get extra syrup. Twice. Once in the morning, once in the afternoon. Which means I got four kids working for 1.5 hours stacking wood. They got about half of it done. 

One more batch of chocolate syrup today and it should all be stacked.

Let's see what else . . .

The school play was on Friday evening, so I took the chance that everyone would sleep on Saturday morning and went for a walk as soon as it was light enough to see.

Windmill awaiting the sunrise.

The dogs were very excited to finally get an early morning walk.

It's never too early for Jasper the Perpetually-Alert Dog.

And lastly, A. took a single picture with my camera last weekend when he took the older boys fishing in various places across northern New Mexico.

You can tell it's New Mexico because of that blue sky.

And there you have it! My life, snapshotted.


Anonymous said...

Wow! Beautiful fishing spot!

Kit said...

did you ever think you'd be the person who bribed their kids with chocolate syrup? Well, I never thought I'd be the person who told their kids if they didn't shape up Santa Claus wouldn't come. But there you have it. I did.

Kristin @ Going Country said...

Kit: Oh, I've always relied on food bribery. No shame about that whatsoever. I figure it's homemade chocolate syrup, so that's practically health food, right? :-)