Sunday, November 28, 2021

Snapshots: A New Perspective

The horses have been moved from our neighbor's pasture across the road back into the paddack by our house. That means that when I go out in the morning for my walk, this is now what I see.

Spare a little hay, missus?

Bill goes straight to the hay window.

Most nights are below freezing, so the walks are getting colder.

I turned on my way to the schoolhouse and went down a different road. 

There's a windmill on this road, too, but it faces the sunrise, so no silhouette on this one.

The garlic and potato patch in front of the house is pleasingly tidy this time of year, with no weeds to mar its neatly laid out rows.

If only we would get some rain so the potatoes and garlic will actually grow. Then again, I guess weeds would grow then too, wouldn't they?

And last, but certainly most random, my sister shipped up some things in an old shoe box. The box was immediately claimed by Jack for a base for his guys.

Let no box go unused, is our motto.

There you have it! My life, snapshotted.

1 comment:

Gemma's person said...

The sun windmill photo is grand. A sister who knows .Kids who are inventive. Horses that are needy. A family that loves there food.What more could you ask for...nothing, I say.