Tuesday, January 11, 2022

T.T.: A Tip for Tipsy Candles

Why do candles never fit properly in candle holders? The bottom of the candle is always too narrow, leaving too much room in the holder around its base, which results in this:

Not a good look.

Luckily for me--and now for you--the MiL taught me a trick years ago to fix the leaning candle problem.

First you need a very small piece of paper towel.

About like this. The exact size isn't important.

Fold it over and over to make a narrow strip.

Like so.

Then you wrap it around the very bottom of the candle base . . .

Please ignore my very un-manicured hands and the boo-boo on my nail.

And press the candle into your holder, making sure the paper towel strip is well down in the bottom so it doesn't show.

Ta da! A nicely straight and sober candle.

This might work with a very small piece of cloth, too, but the paper towel works well because it's so thin and smooshable (yes, it's a word now), so you can really jam it down into the candleholder and make it invisible. And no more leaning candles burning unevenly and dripping wax all over.

Thanks for the tip, MiL.


Kit said...

Who needs a manicure? Besides, if your nails are long you'll have to scrape bread dough out of them when you're done kneading.

Anonymous said...

I popped over here to comments & was going to mention about your non-manicure. :) Kit beat me to it! My nails are NEVER manicured. Who needs it?
Great tt!

JP2GiannaT said...

Sober candle...lol.