Monday, January 30, 2023

A Nice Surprise

I am not generally a complainer when it comes to companies and purchases. I usually just accept that the whole "being a consumer" thing is unpleasant and occasionally results in a bad outcome. I have been known more than once to just keep purchased clothing to donate rather than going through the hassle of returning it. If I get a bad bag of apples or something, I just give them to the chickens and move on.

A lot of this has to do with our distance from stores and shipping centers, though. So when I got my last Misfits Market order and the grapes that were in it were already partially inedible on delivery*, I was annoyed enough to do something about it.

Grapes are something we can rarely get in good condition, given our place at the very end of the supply chain. When I buy them at local stores, I expect them to be a bit soft and old. But these grapes were not from the end of the supply chain, and I did NOT expect them to be on their way out as soon as I got them. 

So I went to the Misfits Market website and clicked through a couple of screens to register my complaint.

And what do you know? After about thirty seconds of clicking on boxes, I was brought to a window that asked me if I would like my refund as a credit to my account. And there was $4.99 back on my account. 

I was very impressed. 

I don't know if this would be so easy if I wanted to, say, cancel my account and get actual money back, but since this is only the second time there's been an issue with my produce, I'm still planning on using the service and am quite happy with a refund.

So thank you to Misfits Market for not being a jerk about refunds. And if any of you wanted to try getting a box of produce from a non-jerky company, you can use this link to get $10 off (which also gives me $10 in credit, so thanks!).

*  Only inedible for us, however. We actually call nasty grapes "chicken grapes," because they won't turn their beaks up at a brown, wrinkled, and fermenting grape.


Tu mere said...

It’s such a positive for y’all to get your winter produce I’m happy that “all’s well that ends well”. Good to know there are still company’s out there that care about customer satisfaction. Standing up for your rIghts as a paying customer worked. Yay.

Gemma's person said...

Good outcome though.

Anonymous said...

I agree! I signed up using your link when you first started using Misfit Market and I can also say they are very easy to deal with. I have had a couple boxes that contained inedible veggies and fruit and it was very easy to detail what was wrong and get a credit for my next box.
-Monica B