Sunday, April 16, 2023

Snapshots: Delayed Easter Photos

I took quite a few photos on Easter Sunday. 

I had to leave for Church Lady duties at 7 a.m., so there were no egg hunts or Easter baskets before church. I did set a little treat at each child's place at the table, though.

A floral napkin, a card from my parents, and a packet of M&Ms. Because it's not really Easter unless you have chocolate for breakfast, right?

Very festive.

Hunting for eggs.

And the obligatory deviled eggs made with the results of the hunt.

Rhubarb for the chiffon cake topping.

The funnest part of chiffon cake (or angel food cake) is cooling the cake upside down. It's supposed to be inverted over a wine bottle, which I do not have. This old Courvoisier bottle worked just as well, though. And amused me, because I always think of an old rap song called "Pass the Courvoisier" when I see this bottle*. 

There you have it! My Easter, snapshotted.

* I'm not going to link to the song because it is profane. The video, while similarly inappropriate, is also pretty funny. Mr. T. is in it. Pouring Courvoisier, naturally.

1 comment:

Mei said...

I hate to discover deviled eggs being served. I find it difficult to stop eating then. I try. But then I sneak back for more. I hoover wherever they are trying bit to get caught getting another one. 🙃