Sunday, April 9, 2023

Snapshots: Spring for Easter

We are not always assured of spring weather for Easter Sunday, but this year, we got it. It's going to be 70 degrees and sunny, but most importantly, no wind. Or at least, so little wind it won't register as much more than a gentle breeze. 

Alleluia, indeed.

The garden is happy about this, too.

I spied the first asparagus arising from the dusty depths.

The first tulip bud. This was two days ago. I'm hoping it will actually open this afternoon.

You can't really see it here, but there's a haze of green on the Chinese elms.

I failed to get a photo of the peach tree A. started from a pit a few years ago that is covered with buds and blossoms. Boo. It's very pretty, though. And exciting. Yay, peaches!

I obviously don't have any Easter action shots for you, as my little egg-hunters are still nestled all snug in their beds. I have some of the prep work, though.

The MiL sent us several cloth napkins, which included a few nice linen napkins. Cubby was ironing his clothes yesterday, and went ahead and ironed the napkins for me so we could have fancy napkins for our Easter dinner.

Very convenient to have someone in the house who actually likes to iron.

If you've been reading here for a few years, you may remember that I don't buy egg dyeing kits. We do dye eggs, though, with whatever I find that will color them and is food-safe. This year, that was paprika (orange), curry powder (yellow), and the juice from a jar of my pickled beets (pink/purple). I let the kids color them with crayons first, too.

This year's masterpieces.

Actually, I could have skipped the dyeing and just used this carton of eggs my friend gave me, which were naturally colored by her hens.

No pink, though.

And last, the Easter baskets. I always buy a book for each child's basket, my mom always sends chocolate crosses for them, and this year the MiL sent a wristwatch for each boy (Poppy already got a very cute bunny dress from her). A. also got small chocolate bunnies and some Starburst candies.

Obviously, that giant book about the Empty Quarter is not going to fit in any basket, so it will just have to go underneath that boy's basket.

There you have it! My life (and Easter) snapshotted.


mbmom11 said...

A nice assortment in the baskets. I gave my sons Lego watches for their First Communions- lasted about a month before they were broken or lost forever. I forgot to color eggs- I usually just use raw eggs and let my kids do 3 dozen so we have some color for a week. Those hen eggs are like little jewels!
Have a lovely Easter!

Lisa said...

Happy Easter!

Anonymous said...

Happy Easter!

Anonymous said...

Happy Easter! I love the idea of a book fir the Easter basket. I hate giving my kids tandom trinkets or candy. I may have to try it next year.