Friday, September 29, 2023

Friday Food: Bull and Sheep


Short version: Pork tacos with homemade corn tortillas

Long version: This was the night of the school play. The kids were all there rehearsing and getting ready all afternoon, and they're fed dinner at school. So I just had A. and I and my parents to feed. This meant I could make corn tortillas without standing over the blazing hot griddle pan for an hour.

So I did.

After I made the tortillas, I fried the leftover pork on there with cumin and chile powder, and then put out all the toppings we had--onion, jalapenos, tomatoes, lettuce, cheese. 

And then when we got home from the play at 8 p.m., all the children were starving and had leftover spaghetti before bed. I have learned to have food on hand for them after the play, because they always seem to be hungry when they get home. Performing burns a lot of calories, I guess.


Short version: Sorta beef stroganoff, mashed potatoes, green salad with vinaigrette, chocolate cake with chocolate ice cream

Long version: I don't think I've ever made a proper beef stroganoff, but this had beef (sirloin steak strips), mushrooms, and sour cream in it, so I called it close enough. It also used up the last of the pork liquid from cooking the picnic roast, which is always a flavorful addition,

The chocolate cake was one my mom bought at the silent auction bake sale we always have at school before the play. It was chocolate cake with white frosting, and it was pretty good. We already had the ice cream.

I spent most of the morning making and canning roasted tomato puree and applesauce. 

Round and round and round it goes, when it stops . . . applesauce!


Short version: Sheep loaf, roasted potatoes, green peas, peanut butter cookies

Long version: Oops. When I originally posted this, I forgot to even write a long version. Here we go, a little late!

I made meatloaf with a bag of the ground sheep, which I flavored with some of the pureed roasted tomatoes I had in the refrigerator, zaatar, onion, etc. It was pretty good, but you could definitely tell it was not beef.


Short version: Lotta leftovers, bread and butter, raw cabbage

Long version: Two kids had the last of the sheep spaghetti, one had a hot dog leftover from the hot dog cookout the school did for families before the play, one had a hot dog and some sheep loaf, A. had sheep loaf and mashed potatoes, and I had a salad.

And then everyone looked at what his or her sibling had and asked why they couldn't have that. Because that's usually what happens on a day of apportioned leftovers. But they all ate what they had, because that is also what usually happens on a day of apportioned leftovers.


Short version: Chicken curry, rice

Long version: In my continuing efforts for Make-Ahead Tuesdays, I poached three giant chicken breasts, pulled off the meat from about half of it, and used that to make a curry. It also had onion, garlic, carrots, celery, and potatoes in it. Forgot the peas. Oh, and also some sour cream, because I think all curry is better with dairy. 

Actually, I think almost all foods are better with dairy. 

I actually used the curry powder leftover from dying Easter eggs to flavor it. This has been sitting in a jar in the back of the refrigerator since Easter, and it was fine. I should have used all of it, though, because the curry was a bit bland. Oh well. Still tasty enough.


Short version: Bull and sheep chili, sourdough rolls, cantaloupe

Long version: I made the chili the day before with about two pounds of ground bull meat, one pound of ground sheep,a jar of pressure-canned beans, the rest of the tomato puree that didn't fit in the canner, onion, garlic, and spices. I left it right in the pot and just heated it up when I got home from work.

This is 25 pounds of sheep meat, in case you were curious about what that looks like.

The rolls I had made when I last baked bread, which was the previous Friday. They were a bit hard, but fine for dunking in chili.

We got four cantaloupes from the lady who delivers the commodities food. I cut up two of them for dessert. They were very sweet, but still not soft enough. They were still eaten, however.


Short version: Chicken fried rice

Long version: I was subbing for our school secretary, so I was planning on leftovers. Then I got home and saw the container of plain chicken I had pulled off those chicken breasts I poached on Tuesday. There was also still rice left, so I used those with onions from the freezer, frozen peas, eggs, soy sauce, vinegar, garlic powder, and ginger to make the fried rice.

Okay, your turn! What'd you eat this week?


mbmom11 said...

Fri- pasta, garlic, leftover Italian sausage and broccoli, banana bread.
Sat- a weird day as my husband spent most of it wresting with his truck's engine, and dinner sort of snuck up on us. Luckily , adult daughter and son-in-law came to town and took teen boys out to dinner at a brewery/restaurant. (Son-in-law loves to try different beers.) They had hot pretzels as appetizers, and thin crust pizza (good) , beer batter chicken(not appreciated), and many fries. I made sausage and eggs for two other kids and me. Husband ate the generous leftovers from the restaurant, so no waste.
Sun- fall weather disappearing and getting hot again. Sigh. I made stew as we were out bowling in the afternoon and needed something i could ignore. I made good homemade bread before it got hot. Noodles, vegetables. We also stopped on the way home from bowling for ice cream - always a winner.
Mon- hot, so easy needed. Hamburgers, hot dogs, chips, pineapple, apple slices.
Tues- out of town in afternoon with boy for a doctor appointment. So I took out leftover pizza from freezer for those at home. Boy with me had some chicken nuggets on the road, and made himself oatmeal at home. I had ramen.
Wed- tacos with meat from parish Fiesta from the freezer, quesadillas for those who didn't want tacos,. I had ramen.
Thurs- not so hot day, so apple slices, bacon and French toast made with a loaf of Italian bread.(I buy the clearance French and Italian bread from store- it's a buck and it freezes well. The Italian bread was sliced already and made perfect French toast. ) I also bake some chicken when I made muffins for after-school snack, so husband had some of that too. I felt a cold coming on, so I put some chicken in ramen for an easy soup.
Supposed to be very hot this weekend, so I expect grilled food to feature prominently.
Enjoy the weekend!

Kristin @ Going Country said...

mbmom11: Boo on summer weather colds. I recommend ice cream. Hope you feel better quickly, and that no one gets it.

Andrs said...

Saturday: picked my dad up from the airport and we stopped at a little mexican restaurant

Sunday: baked pasta dish and salad

Monday: my husband got catfish because he wanted blackened catfish. There was a lot of splatter when I tried to flip the fillet and I ended up getting small burns from the splatter from my wrist up to my elbow. I abandoned the fish and put my arm under water. My kids called my husband down and he fished his fish. By that time it was, umm, really blackened. I cooked mine in the airfryer. My injury could have been much more severe so I am thankful and praying it heals with no issues and no doctor visits ;)

Tuesday: leftover pasta bake. My husband and I each took a kiddo to their activities so everyone ate when they had time. Next month he works Tuesdays and my dad is heading to Tucson. I will be on my own so trying to redo schedules to only have to shuttle one kid per day to an after school appointment or activity.

Wednesday: butter chicken, rice, broccoli, salad (umm minus the lettuce). I made a homemade dressing and it is so yummy. Thankfully, my daughter’s after school activities are spread apart so we could be home to eat in between being her Uber driver. Again, my husband was home and able to take her to her activities. Next month I am on my own as he will be working Wednesdays in October.

Thursday: I. Am. Tired. Thankfully, my husband was home. I was busy with appointments and my volunteer job at the church library during the day. The evening was unusually busy. My daughter had dance team practice so I picked her up and took her home and then I needed to go to a mandatory meeting and initiation ceremony for the local Elks Lodge. She got her own dinner. No idea what she decided on. I’m thankful she can be independent. And I figured fed is fed at this point. My husband took my son to a a birthday party for the daughter of his soccer coach and they ate there. I ate a sandwhich which I packed to eat when I had time.

Andra said...

And I didn’t realize the S was pressed instead of the A when typing my name. I promise I know how to spell it. 🤦‍♀️🤣

Kit said...

Friday-ham and cheese squares, tossed salad, cookies and ice cream left from last week's confirmation party
Saturday-hot dogs, potato chips, coleslaw
Sunday-zucchini and pasta with feta cheese, lemon coffeecake for breakfast because we had visitors
Monday-salmon, baked potatoes, coleslaw
Tuesday-tomato sandwiches (husband not home)
Wednesday-scrambled eggs (husband still not home)
Thursday-Swiss steak, noodles, peas (still not home but I needed a real meal)