Wednesday, December 27, 2023


Happy birthday to me! 

Today I turn 44 years old. I'm celebrating by running a 5K with my kids.

To appreciate how odd this is for me to do, you'd have to know me in real life. Although I did all the sports and running and things when I was younger, I do not do them now.

Or rather, I didn't do them until recently. 

This year I lost almost 30 pounds* and started running again using this Couch to 5K program, and now . . . well, now I'm going to run a 5K.

Scene from one of my early-morning runs.

I did the last "training" run on my schedule on Christmas Eve. I figured that since all of that schedule was to train for a 5K, I might as well run one. And it seemed fitting to do that on my birthday.

My children wanted to know WHY I wanted to do such a thing on my birthday, the one day in the year that I can do whatever I want (ha). And what I told them is that I'm doing it to show that I still can. Or rather, can again.

I am not, of course, going to be running in an official 5K. The nearest one of those would be over a hundred miles away. Instead I drove my usual running route in our village using the trip odometer on one of our vehicles to figure out how many times I would have to run it to get to 3.1 miles. 

I have to run it five times. So that is what I'm going to do today, with three of my children accompanying me.

It's certainly not going to be the fastest 5K ever completed**, but I will complete it, and that's good enough for me.

* Because I myself am nosy and always want to know how people do this . . . I used the MyFitnessPal food tracker and kept my calories to 1200 a day for four months. Not very interesting or fun, but it works.

** Update: It took me 43 minutes. Very far from a fast time, but I didn't walk once! I just ran slow enough that I was just faster than a walking pace. Ha.


mbmom11 said...

Many happy returns of the day!
And congratulations on your new running habit - I hope you enjoy the 5k.

Kit said...

Happy birthday, and congratulations on the thirty pounds! 1200 calories a day for 4 months takes a lot of determination. I'm planning to go back to that myself after I get the Christmas food out of the house!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on all counts.

Jody said...

Happy birthday! And congratulations. I know it must feel so good.

Fiona said...

Happy birthday, Kristin! You can be very proud of your 5K and even more so of your determination to stick to your plan for four months. Enjoy a well deserved break!

gm said...

I've been a lurker for many years, just wanted to say Happy birthday and congratulations on your weight loss and 5K run.

Mei said...

Shēngrì kuàilè! Happy birthday! I am happy for your loss of 30 pounds. It is a great accomplishment. I hope you do not mind that I go with you on a bicycle rather than run with you. Unless it is cold, then in a heated car. :-)

Gemma's person said...

Holey Moley , I remember you talking about the couch to 5 K thing but that seems such a short time ago! Congrats to you another Mother of the Year are stacking those dudes up!

Mable said...

Happy birthday!

Anonymous said...

I hope that you have a very happy birthday--and congratulations on all that "body" work. You are a wonder in everything that you do! Mary in MN.

Anonymous said...

Great job-Happy Birthday

cabinart said...

Determination, persistence, discipline–very impressive,, Kristin! When I was 50 I did the Big Sur 21 mile Power Walk, and the training was much more difficult than the actual event. Now my feet are a problem, so I can't imagine even 3 painless miles anymore. So do it while you are able!

Anonymous said...

Hi Kristin ,
I’m a reader from Australia who has never commented. Happy birthday, and your persistence to achieve a goal is so inspiring. It’s always encouraging to hear examples of people chipping away.

Anonymous said...

I'm a little late to the party...Happy Belated Birthday! Congrats on your weight loss.

Claire said...

Happy birthday!! Wishing you all the best and keep on reaching your goals 🌟

Karen. said...

Hey, good job! And happy birthday!

I know, I'm super late. But no less sincere. :)