Sunday, December 10, 2023

Snapshots: Holidays Past and Future

Flashback to Thanksgiving, when Poppy wanted to label another freezer bag for me.

I will miss it when she spells everything properly.

Also related to Thanksgiving, let me share with you one of the very few disposable things I buy.

Throwaway turkey roaster.

Although I am for the most part pretty militantly against anything that only gets used once, I make an exception for the turkey roasting pan. I do not want to store anything that big for one day of use a year. Also, those giant roasting pans are expensive. These disposable ones are 99 cents. I can buy one every year for twenty years and still not spend as much as I would on a pan that I would have to store the rest of the year. So I buy one every year and then just . . . throw it away.

Scandalous, I know.

Okay, now that we've covered the holiday that we've already celebrated, let's move on to the next one.

We decorated for Christmas, which includes putting out every one of the Epsom-salt-covered candle jars all the kids have made.

It's a lot.

And last, I subbed in the classroom with the phrase cube again this week. This is what was facing me when I got in there on Thursday morning.

You're not the boss of me, cube.

There you have it! My life, snapshotted.


Gemma's person said...

Can you tell whose jar it is by the length/height of the candle?
Bless you all. I do not "know" you but have love for each and every one.
I agree on the turkey pan....amen!

Jody said...

I use my roaster for chickens, too. And chex mix. And I could use it for a batch of granola. I've also used it for meat loaf or roast beef (can't remember which or maybe both?) with veggies. It doesn't have to be single purpose. My roaster is one of those granite wear ones...not expensive. Oh, I make the turkey gravy in it after I lift the turkey out, too.

Kristin @ Going Country said...

G.P: Thank you for the kind comment. And yes, we can tell based on the jar, and also the decorations glued on the rims.

Jody: I use a half-sheet baking pan or my really big Pyrex for those things. I'm sure if I had a roaster, I would find a way to use it more than once, but the storage thing is really the sticking point for me.

Kit said...

My roasting pan belonged to my parents. When I was a baby, they used it as a sled and pulled me around in it. Just one more possible use!!

Karen. said...

Ah, another vote for disposable turkey pans. I do have a relic of my husband's great-grandparents that I could use, but we do the turkey on the pellet grill, and the smoke/grease filth is practically impossible to get off the proper roaster. Totally worth the dollar.

Also, another vote for punctuation. With the right color fine-point metallic Sharpie, you could edit. ;)

p.s. Though I have thought it several times, I have not yet said how excited I am that you are getting a new school building! So cool.

Mei said...

I too am resistant to anything disposable. I think it is mostly because I have neighbors that mind my trash better than I do. :-)