Tuesday, February 27, 2024

The Wind Beneath My Food

We live in a very windy place. There's no time the wind isn't likely to blow, but in the spring, it REALLY howls. Instead of a mud season, we have a windy season. We haven't quite started our windy season yet, but it's ramping up. The sustained wind speeds yesterday and today are between 25 and 30 miles per hour, with gusts up to 70 miles per hour.

It's unpleasant.

Yesterday while I was plating up dinner, I found that the child whose plate I was holding had gone outside to run around. So I walked out the door to call him in to dinner, still holding the plate in my hand that had two tortillas and cheese already on it.

I went out of the porch to yell for him, realized he couldn't hear me over the wind, and went back in to ask A. to go search him out. When I got back into the kitchen, I saw that the plate I was holding had nothing on it.

I stared at it for about twenty seconds before I realized that the wind must have blown the food off the plate in the five seconds I was outside.

Sure enough, there were the tortillas on the ground by the door. 

Lucky day for the dogs.

This morning I woke up at 3:30 a.m. and lay there listening to the wind howling outside the window for about half an hour before giving up on going back to sleep.

A few days ago, I ran across a sourdough cinnamon roll recipe that didn't call for any rising time. I had sourdough in process on my counter at that very moment, which meant lots of starter on hand, and I was up in PLENTY of time to make them before I had to get the kids up for school. And so, there were cinnamon rolls on a random Tuesday. 

Lucky day for the kids.

I tried one. They were okay. Not bad--how could they be, right?--but with a texture and taste that is definitely the result of using baking soda and powder. Nice for a quicker option, but I prefer the real long-risen cinnamon rolls. There are no shortcuts in life, I guess, especially for baking.

The children, however, all said they were just as good as the traditional version, and since they're the ones I make them for, that worked out.


Anonymous said...

But clearly short cuts for flying tortillas! Mil

Gemma's person said...

That made me laugh about the food being gone off the plate....like magic.
Those cinnamon look like mine. Not perfect but they all taste the same....hm, hm. I say to no one in particular (but she has long colored red hair and rhymes with Lee).

mbmom11 said...

I made cinnamon rolls for breakfast too! But I cheated and did the dough and rolling last night and put them covered in the fridge. Husband took them out to warm up at 4am, and I baked them at 5. (Insomnia has its uses!) Yours look good- any cinnamon roll with icing is a winner!
I do not have flying tortillas, though. The strong winds we have here sometimes bother me- thunder no problem, but the howl of the winds alert something in my lizard brain that makes me anxious and want to hide.

Mei said...

"Flying tortillas." It sounds like an acrobatic team. lol
I have a weakness for cinnamon rolls. I will eat them even if they are not round and swirly. Those rolls would not stand a chance on my table. Who knows, my children may eat some too.

Anonymous said...

Those rolls look tasty. Your kids must have been thrilled with the surprise treat. Are you using a syrup topping instead of the usual cream cheese frosting? If so, would you share that recipe? I don't buy cream cheese regularly and would like to know a good alternative topper for those rolls.-- Ringo

Anonymous said...

I can only imagine what the look on your face was when you discovered the missing food on that plate! Priceless!

Kristin @ Going Country said...

Ringo: I've never used cream cheese. I make a glaze with powdered sugar, vanilla extract, a little bit of coffee, and a little bit of maple syrup.