Friday, March 1, 2024

Friday Food: With a Grapefruit Heart


Short version: Fish sticks, baked spaghetti, tartar sauce at home, pizza at the game

Long version: I was at the last home basketball game of the season with the cheerleader, where they thoughtfully had some Lenten options at the concession stand. She chose the cheese pizza.

She also made me a grapefruit heart after eating her breakfast in the morning.

I had bought a box of fish sticks awhile ago, and saved them purposely for Lent. Neither the cheerleader nor I care for fish sticks, so this seemed like a good night for them. All A. had to do was stick them in the oven with the rest of the baked spaghetti. It was a box of forty fish sticks, and they ate them all. Impressive consumption.

A. really likes tartar sauce, which is not something I buy, so he looked up some recipes and made some with what we had on hand. That was mayonnaise, mustard, finely chopped onion and dill pickles, and pickle juice. It tasted exactly like the dressing I use for American potato salad, and was a big hit. I actually ate some when I got home with a few of the potato chips we still had from the bag Ms. Amelia gave us, and it was very good as a dip, too.

I also finished the cold spaghetti on everyone's plates when I got home, because that's what moms do. Cold spaghetti and potato chips with tartar sauce are not the healthiest of dinners, but that's the way it goes sometimes.


Short version: Baked beans, leftovers, carrot sticks

Long version: I made the baked beans with pinto beans. I know that's not traditional for baked beans, but pinto beans are traditional to here, and I had a ten-pound bag of dried pintos on hand.

I pressure-canned seven quarts of them. The rest of the big pot I had soaked went into the baked beans.

There were only four of us at home, as A. had taken the youngest boy to his hunter education course over the weekend. The two who like baked beans had them with leftover beefy rice.

The one who doesn't like baked beans had a spaghetti sandwich. When he was sick to his stomach and couldn't eat for a couple of days, he mentioned that the first thing he wanted to eat when he was better was a spaghetti sandwich. I guess because it's really filling? I don't know. We happened to have just enough leftover baked spaghetti for him to have this, though, which seemed fortuitous.


Short version: Lamb roast, baked potatoes, frozen green peas, chocolate ice cream

Long version: The lamb roast was a boned-out leg that I marinated and baked. A little too long, so it was overcooked, but oh well.

I always corral my potatoes for baking in something, otherwise they roll all over the oven rack. This time, I used the skillet from making my eggs in the morning.

Potatoes nestled all snug in their pan.

I did not make the mistake of making peanut butter shakes with the chocolate ice cream this week. I didn't make milkshakes at all, in fact. Everyone seems to like it just as well in a bowl, and that means I don't have to do anything. So bowls it is.


Short version: Beef tacos, various leftovers

Long version: Before work, I had taken out a bag of the beef pulled from soup bones when I made beef stock a couple of weeks ago. I changed my mind several times trying to decide what to do with it. In the end, I just heated it up in a pan with salsa and taco spices, and served it in corn tortillas with cheese. 

There were also baked beans still, and A. had the last of the lamb.


Short version: Sausage variety, potato salad, raw broccoli

Long version: Andouille, boudin, and plain smoked sausage, and I'm getting annoyed with having to customize sausage. One child doesn't like this one, one thinks these are too spicy, one doesn't like sausage at all. I think I will have to give up on sausage for this family of rampant individualists.

I made the potato salad because I had a little less than a cup of tartar sauce left. So I just mixed it with boiled potatoes and eggs, plus a little more pickle juice and mayonnaise. Only about half the family likes potato salad, but I LOVE it, so it was a nice treat for me, anyway.

The broccoli came from the excess commodities delivery we got in the afternoon. The lady had a ton of broccoli. My kids mostly like it raw, so that's what they got.


Short version: Unpopular beef soup, cheese, bread with butter and honey

Long version: I made this soup the day before, knowing I would be getting home right at dinner time from First Communion class. The reason I made soup was I had a few quarts of liquid left from pressure-cooking yet more of the bull. The only meat I had on hand for it was the rest of the shredded beef from the tacos. I did have some canned beef stew from commodities, and I thought maybe I could rinse off the gross liquid from that and just use the vegetables and meat from it. 

Yeah, no. That stuff is absolutely disgusting. Even after rinsing, the vegetables were so nasty tasting, I just gave them to the chickens. The diced beef in it was okay, though, so I picked that out and put it in the soup.

I also still have cans of Veg-All from commodities. The last one I used had lima beans in it, which I thought tasted gross, so I was going to pick those out. But the can I found and opened was labeled "Homestyle," and only contained carrots, potatoes, celery, peas, and onions. It was much better than the other, which is apparently the "Original" version.

The secrets of Veg-All are being revealed to me.


I also put in some tomato sauce (commodities!), extra potatoes, and, at the last minute, some zucchini delivered that very day from the commodities lady. And when I heated it up before dinner, I put in some sour cream.

It wasn't bad, but oh my goodness, the WHINING at that table. So much whining. The zucchini put it over the edge for the ones who usually like soup, I guess, but the ones who don't usually like soup were very unhappy.

But because I do not give options for dinner, they all found ways to eat at least most of their bowls. They did this mostly by adding so much sour cream to them that they couldn't taste anything else. 

Whatever. It was eaten. And then they all got a piece of bread with honey, which makes up for a lot.


Short version: Redemptive chicken sandwiches, green salad with ranch dressing

Long version: I was in the city this day to bring the post-surgical child to get his stitches out. He wanted to go to The Wing Stop for lunch, which we did. It was very underwhelming. I got chicken tenders, ate two, and brought two home to put in my dinner salad.

For the rest of the family, I got the 16 pieces of fried chicken at the grocery store deli again so they could have the chicken sandwiches like Popeye's--chicken, mayonnaise, and dill pickles. This restored me to Great Mom status after the soup disappointment.

I was not in prime condition after a bad night of sleep, a very early waking time, a three-hour drive in two inches of snow on unplowed roads for fifty miles of the drive in to the city, errands, the doctor visit, and then the 140-mile drive home. I was happy to have the chicken to avoid cooking when I got home, even if it did cost twenty dollars. 

Then again, the sub-par lunch at The Wing Stop was twenty-one dollars, and it only fed two of us, not six of us with leftovers. So I guess the grocery store chicken isn't such a bad deal.

Refrigerator check!

It's quite clear I went to the grocery store yesterday. 

The most unusual items in my refrigerator right now are the Activia yogurt drinks, which came from commodities and which a couple of my children love, and two plastic containers of lettuce. I don't buy lettuce in those big plastic boxes, except when I need the boxes to start seeds. Which I do, because I need to get my tomatoes and peppers going. 

Okay, your turn! What'd you eat this week?


Anonymous said...

Love the grapefruit heart!
I have to say that I never have heard of a spaghetti sandwich. :)

Kristin @ Going Country said...

Linda: He read about it in an old book, although I remember eating them when I was a kid. It's literally just leftover spaghetti between bread.

mbmom11 said...

Fri - tuna salad for husband, scrambled eggs, grilled cheese, random extras for kids. I made some ramen and broccoli for one kid and me. You can tell it's a Friday in Lent!
Sat - We had been out to big city in the morning (kids went with big sister to hang out in a coffee shop and bakery, like little hipsters! , husband and I went to shooting range) and then we hit Sam's club and had lunch out, so no one was really hungry, and I wasn't in the mood to cook. So clean out leftovers night - salami, rolls, grilled cheese, other things. I did add some newly cooked bacon to smooth things over.
Sun - roast beef, mashed potatoes, gravy, broccoli, rolls, ancient string beans from the depths of the fridge. I love roast beef, but I have it only infrequently due to the price. Sam's club came through so I could have a proper meal (after a week of very lame efforts).
Mon- baked chicken breast, rice, broccoli,.... there was something else.
Tues- sandwiches with the leftover meats, chips, apple slices, pineapple. I had apple slices, a banana, and toast? I wasn't very hungry.
W- I was in big city in the afternoon with teen for doctor's appt, so I left tuna salad for husband, and small teen got other kids tortilla chips and salsa and cheese. There were chocolate chip muffins leftover from snacks for dessert. I got teen fried and nuggets on the way home. I think I had toast? And then I made another batch of muffins as teen hadn't gotten one. Second dessert very popular with boys.
T- stew meat from freezer, carrots and potatoes, homemade bread, broccoli, and pineapple. Store bought cookies and ice cream - my kids like the generic iced oatmeal cookies ? I don't get the appeal.
I understand your sausage dilemma; cooking for a family feels like a balancing act.
I hope your son's recovery goes smoothly!

Mable said...

I have a great recipe for sweet zucchini relish so I make it every summer and can a bunch. For tarter sauce I just add mayo and a splash of lemon juice (when I have lemons, never use the bottled stuff). Easy peasy and we love it. I must confess, however, that I love, love, love McDonalds tarter sauce and that is what lures me there for Filet of Fish on Fridays.

Kit said...

Friday-fish sticks, macaroni and cheese, coleslaw. I usually only have fish sticks during Lent and they were better than I remembered. Lemon bars, oatmeal cookies.
Saturday-chicken fried steak, noodles, broccoli
Sunday-cauliflower soup, cheesy biscuits
Monday-hot turkey sandwiches, peas (turkey and gravy leftover in the freezer)
Tuesday-miscellaneous leftovers
Wednesday-stuffed peppers, coleslaw
Thursday-chicken vegetable soup, fresh bread