Friday, July 26, 2024

Friday Food: I Have Feta, Yay!


Short version: Bull and potato skillet, carrot sticks, watermelon

Long version: I had some more processed bull meat in the refrigerator, so I fried that in the rest of some rendered beef tallow that had been in there awhile, then added the leftover boiled potatoes from the night before, along with a bunch more fat in the form of bacon grease and butter. Both potatoes and that very lean bull meat will absorb astonishing quantities of fat. I think I added at least half a cup of fat in the end, and it wasn't greasy at all.

I also added some already-cooked onion from the refrigerator, garlic powder, paprika, salt, and grated cheddar cheese. 

Not pretty, but tasty.


Short version: Chili, cornbread, popsicles, early carrots, later cookie bars

Long version: I made chili mostly because I had several cups of chicken broth in the refrigerator from cooking the chicken breasts a few days earlier. I needed to either freeze that or use it. So I used it. In chili.

Also in the chili was ground bull meat, a quart jar of pressure-canned pinto beans, the last bag of pureed calabaza that had been in the freezer since 2022, a can of crushed tomatoes, the last pint jar of green-tomato salsa from last year, a whole diced onion, a few cloves of garlic, a bit of apple cider vinegar cumin, paprika, and chile powder.

It was really too warm to be simmering chili for a few hours, but I did that in the morning, and it was very good chili.

It was definitely too warm in the afternoon to be baking cornbread, but I did it anyway. Since I had the oven on anyway, I also made some oatmeal chocolate chip cookie bars. They baked at the same time, and also used the same dishes the cornbread had (bowl, Pyrex measuring cup, spatula), so it made me feel a little better about heating the kitchen more.

We had popsicles only because I had made smoothies for lunch, and there was some left over. So I just poured the extra into the popsicle molds and froze it. They were a bit more icy than the ones I usually make with heavy cream, but they were still eaten.

The children ate the carrot sticks with some curry dip while I was making dinner, and the cookie bars at around 6 p.m. because we ate dinner at about 4:30 p.m., which is early even for us.


Short version: Meatloaf, baked potatoes, half corn on the cob, cucumber and tomato salad, brownie sundaes

Long version: I just used some of the store ground beef for the meatloaf. We hadn't had it in awhile, and it was cool enough to run the oven to bake it.

I only had two ears of corn left, which meant only half an ear for each child. Much grumbling about this.

A. and I had the cucumber and tomato salad, featuring tomatoes from the garden of the guy who runs the tiny store in the village, a small shallot from our garden, and feta cheese. It was so good. I really love feta cheese.

A.'s plate, just because I'm sure you needed a visual of meatloaf.

We had been at our parish picnic in the afternoon, so I hadn't made a dessert when I started making dinner. That's why I made the brownies.  They are very fast to mix up, could bake with everything else in the oven, and turn plain old ice cream into a Sunday dessert. Especially with the addition of the chocolate syrup I always have in the refrigerator.


Short version: Pizzas, kohlrabi sticks, ranch dip

Long version: Still cool, so I baked bread and then used some dough for pizzas--one cheese, one pepperoni.

I had found a few bags of roasted tomato sauce still in the freezer from last year, and I used one of those as the pizza sauce. It really makes them so much better. Hurry up, this year's tomatoes.

The kohlrabi was the very last one from the garden, which caused some sadness among the children. They do love kohlrabi.


Short version: Leftover pizza, Frito pie, carrot sticks

Long version: With one child at work and one at a sleepover, there were only two children to feed. They had the leftover pizza, heated in a cast-iron skillet so it wouldn't be wet and gross.

A. had leftover chili in Frito pie. And I just had leftover chili.


Short version: Roast lamb, potatoes, tomato and cucumber salad, hummus, yogurt sauce, vanilla ice cream with a choice of toppings

Long version: We had guests with us this night, which is why we had such a large meal on a random Wednesday. I had one boned leg roast and one not-boned . . . something. It was labeled roast, but it might have been a front leg? I don't know. I had A. bone that one for me too, just to make sure I would have enough meat.

I used this spice mixture again, except I again didn't use as much garlic and lemon juice, and I had to substitute thyme for the oregano, but it was still very good.

Poppy helped me skin the chickpeas (for very smooth hummus), and I really appreciated her help, because these were dry chickpeas I had cooked myself, and they definitely did not pop out of the skins as easily as the canned ones. They taste way better than the canned chickpeas, though, I am forced to admit, and they made some delicious hummus.

With olive oil, za'atar, and paprika on top.

I made quite a bit, but most of it was eaten before dinner with tortilla chips as everyone sat around talking.

I had one of my own cucumbers to put in the salad--which also had feta in it, yum--so that was exciting.

I eschewed making a real dessert, instead pulling out the gallon of vanilla ice cream and setting out chocolate syrup, maple syrup, and apricot puree for everyone to choose their own topping. I made the chocolate syrup and apricot puree, so I'm calling it a homemade dessert.

Five of the seven people chose chocolate syrup. In case you were curious. 


Short version: Lamb and potatoes, frozen green peas

Long version: There was enough leftover lamb and potatoes to fry it all together in a skillet for another meal, so that is what I did.

Refrigerator check:

Feta front and center.

Okay, your turn! What'd you eat this week?


mbmom11 said...

Fri- on a 15 hour drive home from vacation day, just snacks in the car, which included leftover salami or turkey sandwich from lunch, string cheese, yogurt, crackers, chips, granola bars. Lots of diet soda, water, and gatorade that their grandma had given us.
Sat- got lots done today , putting vacation stuff away, doing laundry, vacuuming sand from car, etc- still riding high from the caffeine consumption of previous day. So I used gift cards and got domino's because I had no coherent thought left. (I don't sleep well on vacation.)
Sun- grilled chicken breast and thighs, corn on the cob, fries.
Mon- leftover chicken, mashed potatoes, gravy, broccoli, cauliflower, also toast for picky kid.
Tues- teen made chicken strips and fries, apples, pineapple. Husband trying to eat healthier and had salad and a rice/bean burrito.
Wed- grilled cheese, bacon, chips, apples for kids. Husband salad and BLT.
Thurs- used up leftover chicken in stew, carrots, leftover rice, leftover veg, and picky eater had plain chicken and a bagel with the broccoli.
Can you tell chicken was on sale this week?
The heat starts up again next week, so it'll back to grilling everyday. I need to do corn on the cob more- goodness knows there are stands at every parking lot right now. I just need to remember cash when I go out.
Enjoy the weekend!

Kristin @ Going Country said...

I don't sleep well on vacation, either. And our next heat wave is starting on Sunday. Enjoy your weekend, too! I hope you sleep well.

Mary W said...

The tomato and cucumber salad looks delicious.

Kit said...

I don't sleep well on vacation either. Enjoy your own bed and your own room now that you're home!
Friday-taco salad, seven layer bars
Saturday-tomato sandwiches, tomatoes from the garden. Cantaloupe not from the garden.
Sunday-eggs, fried potatoes, salad
Monday-meatballs, baked potatoes, green beans from the garden
Tuesday-salmon loaf, baked potatoes, tomatoes
Wednesday-chicken and tomato sandwiches
Thursday-eggs with green peppers and onions, sourdough biscuits. Husband had dental work on Monday so I tried to have at least something soft for dinner every night.