Sunday, July 21, 2024

Snapshots: The Earplugs Endure

My sister very kindly gave us a few rugs she didn't have any use for after she moved, including this one that I finally got into the boys' room. 

Poppy was organizing school supplies. At her own request, I might add. This girl is something else.

Getting that rug down required cleaning that room, which was definitely a daunting task. There's a reason it took four months to get the rug in there. After an hour's diligent effort, however, the room was clean and the rug was down.

Literally three hours later . . .

Nothing gold can stay, as Robert Frost reminded us.

Longtime readers will remember the popularity of earplugs in our house as people stand-ins for toy games. You can see in the above photo that even now, seven years later, they are still just as popular as they ever were.

Here you can see sailor earplugs on the armada.

We had some very strong winds ahead of a thunderstorm that inspired our resident girl to make herself some wings so she could attempt flying.

Feathers courtesy of a dove the dogs obligingly brought to the doorstep.

I made her promise not to jump off of anything too high. She came back in after her attempt to report that first the wings did nothing, and then the tape holding them on came off in the strong wind. She was of the opinion that glue would work better.

We currently have the horses in a pasture in the middle of our ghost village, so they're not just hanging by the house eating hay we have to buy. When I went up to fill their water, I saw that Bill the Pony had a chunk of cholla cactus in his mane. Obviously, that needed to be cut out.

I requested the assistance of the one boy who can always catch Bill. Actually the only boy who can ever catch him.

Junior Pony Whisperer.

It only took three tries to get the halter on, which is pretty good for Bill. And then we found that he had somehow gotten the cholla out himself. How, I do not know, but I was pleased I didn't have to be using scissors two inches from his ear. I fear that would not have gone well.

There you have it! My life, snapshotted.


mbmom11 said...

What an impressive armada and battlefield(?). Your boys have such creative minds.
Poppy is a gem- and this reminds me I need to go organize school supplies. Band camp starts tomorrow and, two weeks later, school! I hope I have enough stuff from previous years that I don't need to buy anything.

Tu mere said...

Y’all’s wind really does help with creativity. For Poppy first, the flying carpet to deliver a letter to tucson; now wings to just fly. Wish both could have worked.

gab said...

i too am organizing my school supplies!! although im not quite cool enough to have an earplug navy and armada