Tuesday, September 17, 2024

A Sub-40 5K, Yay!

Ever since I completed my Couch to 5K program last year--and then ran a solo 5K on my birthday--I've continued running. Well, jogging. Slowly. 

I didn't worry much about my pace, instead just running for thirty minutes every other day. Because I run so slowly, this meant three laps around the interior of my ghost village, so about two miles.

That is a very slow mile pace.

I kind of knew I was just coasting and could certainly be running more, or faster. I wasn't really trying very hard anymore, although I do give myself credit for consistency, I guess.

I decided just a bit ago that I could at least start going around four times, instead of three. So I did that for a couple of weeks, although I didn't increase my pace at all.

And then, when the family was all gone in Tucson a couple of weeks ago, I was in the middle of my four laps when I decided I should really just do all five laps that would constitute a 5K, to see if I could do it faster than my very slow time last year of 43 minutes. 

I had read online that typical "novice" times for a 5K are between 30 minutes and 40 minutes. When I did that spontaneous 5K two weeks ago, I did it in 40 minutes and 9 seconds.

So close!

Last Saturday, I decided to see if I could do my usual four laps in 30 minutes, because I knew that then I really could do the whole five kilometers in less than forty minutes.

I suppose it's not surprising that when I got done with my fourth lap in well under 30 minutes, it seemed pretty dumb to not just do the fifth and final lap to see what my actual time would be.

It was 36 minutes and 38 seconds. 

Sub-40 shoes.

I wasn't even that worn out. I mean, yes, I was tired by the end and had to work a little harder to keep my pace up, but I never got even close to the burning-lungs, feeling-like-throwing-up stage so familiar to me from my younger athletic days. I have no interest in feeling like that anymore.

But even without pushing myself to collapse--or even getting a stitch in my side--I got way under my goal of 40 minutes. 

I could preach some life lessons here about perseverance and so on, but I think I'll just leave it here: I ran a 5K in under 37 minutes, and I am proud of myself.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations on reaching under 40 minutes for your 5K.

Ringo said...


mbmom11 said...

Great job!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Wow! Good for you!

Karen. said...

Yeah! Good job!

Andra said...

That is so awesome!!!

Gemma's person said...

As well you should be!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tu Mere said...

So excited to know that I can’t keep up with you! See, all that forced exercise in your past has paid off. You’re now officially back as a family athlete. Way to go! (Love the tennis shoes)

Fiona said...

Yay, congrats!