Sunday, October 6, 2024

Snapshots: More School Stuff

We only have a single key to our post office box. I'm always afraid we're going to lose it, so I found the most obnoxious keychain for it that I could.

A tiny Converse shoe one of the kids got at the health fair. It always makes me smile.

This week on our playground/track field, I removed a tiny barrel cactus, and an even tinier prickly pear cactus.

Helpfully marked with hula hoops for me by the students.

There have been many inconveniences associated with our school being under construction for two years, but it is kind of fun to walk back to my office and see this:

Giant crane!

Remember when I mentioned that I took one semester of elementary education classes in college before deciding teaching wasn't for me? That was in large part because of things like this:

Once again, God bless the teachers who will do things like this. I would rather scrub milk from the cafeteria floor (which I do).

And last, the cosmos you all helped me identify are blooming like crazy, which allows me to have a very cheery vase of flowers on the table.

Very purple, too.

There you have it! My life, snapshotted.


mil said...

I think you will be able to save some cosmos seeds--they also will self-seed on occasion. MIL

Tu Mere said...

That key chain made me smile as well. Oh my, such beautifully colored flowers. And the bonus is that they’re just there to pick. A plus for where you live.