Also a whole lotta potatoes. Not quite as big and numerous as last year, but also not showing any signs of blight. YAY! At least so far. It's possible that they'll all develop rotten spots later and spoil in storage, but I'm choosing to always look on the bright side of life (sung in a Cockney accent, of course) (that's Monty Python, in case the Cockney thing just completely confused you).

Also falling under the heading of the bright side of life, there are always some potatoes that get sliced or nicked by the shovel and need to be used right away. Well. The best use I know for potatoes is french fries. And the best french fries are these. And if you're really an indulgent wife, you'll go even further and make these for your husband. Which I did.
A. ended up having a pretty good day yesterday after all.
I haven't had homemade french fries in a long time.
Mmmmmmm, chili cheese fries. Decadence on a plate!
great harvest - and who doesn't love a plate of chili fries?! Here's a variation you might consider - buffalo cheese fries. You know what I'm talkin' about - hot sauce, blue cheese, pure yum. I'll have to try the fries your way - cooked WITH the oil - though I must say, I do use the hot oil/fry twice method and it produces a really nice crisp outside and really nice soft inside. This method would be hard to beat...
I hope your potatoes remain blight- free in storage.
Hi there :) Just to let you know I spent a wonderful 5 hours yesterday afternoon, with hot chocolate and biscuits, reading your blog from the VERY FIRST post all the way through :D (OCD Me? Nooooo)
Fingers crossed for blight free potatos!
Have u ever made creamy potato shells? Take x number of potatoes, (if they're big, I work on 1 half per person, more if they are small) and toss them in a bit of oil and then sprinkle with salt. Bake them in a med oven till they are soft all the way through. Cut in half lengthwise, scoop out the flesh leaving the skin behind as a shell. Mash the flesh with some cream, some grated cheese (whatever takes your fancy) and about a teaspoon of mustard (2-3tsp of mustard powder or to taste). Scoop the mash back into the shells, sprinkle with yet more cheese and bake again until cheese has melted. Serve and enjoy! Preferably with lamb chops...mmmmm
TLB: Sounds to me that your creamy potato shells are pretty much what we call twice-baked potatoes. They are a favorite of A.'s--I make them for his birthday.
I am so glad your potatoes lived (or seem to have lived) through the Evil Blight.
On next year's garden list: potatoes.
On next year's cooking list: fries.
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