Wednesday, May 5, 2010

It's That Time Again

Lilac time, that is. Sometime I might actually take the time to try to photograph every lilac bush on our property. There are a LOT, and the pictures I take of one or two don't really convey how the lilacs seem to be around every corner this time of year. And the scent is pervasive everywhere I go.

But I haven't done that yet, so you'll just have to take these photos and multiply them by about ten in your head.

You DO remember how to multiply, don't you?

If you're having trouble with the multiplying, don't worry--so do I.


Phoo-D said...

How beautiful! I love to see the lilac bushes blooming in Spring.

Judi said...

The lilacs are blooming out here in California, too. I love 'em, along with the wisteria, roses, fiddlenecks, popcorn flowers, poppies, owl clover, fairy lanterns, lupine, baby blue eyes . . . well, you get the idea.

Enjoy 'em while you got 'em!

Alyssa said...

Ah, this is my favorite time of year. I'm so irritated by this cold and stuffy nose - I can't smell my lilacs!

Alicia said...


Anonymous said...

Beautiful ....times it smells heavenly there. Beth
word verification 'mintes'
another smelly plant ,times 10

Chiot's Run said...

OOOO, can't stand lilacs. I don't like any flower with a strong fragrance. Strong smells always give me headaches. I'll enjoy them from afar, they are lovely.

FinnyKnits said...

My jealousy is at an all time high.


rls said...

*sigh* I love lilacs. They are my very favorite flower. Enjoy the fragrance for all of us lilac-deprived readers (except Chiot's Run).

Daisy said...

Somehow, our next door neighbor's lilacs seem to bloom before ours every year. They're lovely; I just pretend the scent is coming from the bush next to my deck.