Thursday, July 3, 2008

It's Audience Participation Day!

Also known as Kristin Can't Think of Anything Amusing To Write and Wants To Make Her Readers Do All the Work Day. But I think Audience Participation Day is much catchier. And a hell of a lot shorter.

Okay! So smart people, you tell me: what the hell is this thing hanging from my kitchen cabinet? What in the world could I be making?

Hint: I'm doing it every. single. day. At least as long as the season lasts.

Update: Cheese?
Cheese? Please, take another look at the color there. Have you ever seen purple cheese? Although . . . perhaps Bat Cheese would be purple. Thank you for introducing that totally disgusting concept, Jive Turkey.


Anonymous said...

Some kind of cheese?! Don't you have goats or something? Or some kind of milk-able animal?

(OH GOD I hope it's not Bat Cheese)

SaraPMcC said...

I was going to guess cheese, too. But I guess there are lots of other things in season that I don't know about. Give us another hint!

Leslie said...

I'm going to say, draining some kind of berry in order to make jam? Yikes, that might be a stretch!

Drew @ Cook Like Your Grandmother said...

I think Leslie's on the right track. Mulberries, I'm betting.

SaraPMcC said...

Well, I was thinking it had something to do with your berries, due to the in season comment. But cheese seemed right due to the draining. What the hell do I know?

Tina Post said...

I'd have to guess berries too, though I'm going jelly over jam (juice vs. whole fruit).

YD, sometimes with ♥June and ♥Angel Samantha said...

Juicing the mulberries

It's me said...

It could be cheese with purple cheesecloth. No, really, it could.

Every day... every day... why would berries be every day?

Some sort of weird laundry ritual? Or something for a mulberry facial? Tea? Tonic? Mulberry tonic like what Granny Clampett used to make? That's my final answer.

krysta said...

It's those damn berries you've got growing in your yard!

Anonymous said...

HA! I thought it was cheese because I thought it was just...hanging in purple cheesecloth. Or something.

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go smoke the rest of this joint.

Anonymous said...

Bats disguised as cheese?

Okay, no.

Erm...something to do with beets? Or dye?