Well. Did everyone have a fabulous Thanksgiving? Did you consume enough starch to see you through until next Thanksgiving? Lord knows I did. I'm of the school that believes the turkey is an afterthought and the real stars are the bread and potatoes.
We hosted Thanksgiving this year. The MiL has several siblings in the area, and they all trade off hosting all the holidays. This year's feast was prepared for 23 people, though only 21 ended up coming. Only 21. Sniff. A paltry, pathetic number.
We did not raise and butcher our own turkey this year, for the first time in three years. The turkey flock is no more, alas, and so the MiL had to buy a turkey this year. She did admit that there was a certain ease in just cutting open the plastic and throwing the thing in the oven. I don't think she missed the killing, gutting, and plucking this year.
We did raise and butcher our own potatoes, though, because we're hardcore like that.
Everyone who comes brings something, so we didn't have to prepare all the food ourselves, though the MiL did do one turkey, two kinds of stuffing (vegetarian and carnivorous), cranberry sauce, two kinds of pie, and some tarts. I made the mashed potatoes. I think that's a fair division of labor, don't you?
Okay, I'm not a total slug. While the MiL was cooking, I was moving furniture and setting up to accommodate 21 people for a sit-down meal. That means three tables, one in the dining room and two in the living room.
This is the living room:
And look! There's Duchess' rug again!
I didn't get a photo of the dining room because it was crowded with family members seeking to be close to the wine and the woodstove. Wimps.
I did get a photo of all the desserts, though. The MiL's family are renowned for their skill in the kitchen, especially desserts, and pies in particular. So here we have berry, strawberry-rhubarb, lemon meringue, pumpkin, and apple. Plus pumpkin-pecan cheesecake, creme brulee, and green tomato mincemeat tarts, because why not?

Only I and my atrocious photography could make so many beautiful desserts look like dog doo. Apologies to the cooks.
And then there was squash and cabbage and bread. Lots and lots of bread. Olive bread, cornbread, and, OH YUM, the rolls. The MiL's sister makes these rolls for every holiday. They're some kind of overnight yeast dough made into crescent rolls. I love them with a passion you might not think possible for flour and yeast, but I assure you, it is true love.
Oh, and there were also copious amounts of beer and wine. And later, they broke out a handle of whiskey. Helps to settle the stomach, dontcha know.
We have leftovers enough to last a week and a whole lotta napkins to wash and iron. And that's it for Thanksgiving.
How was your Thanksgiving?
Kristin, thanks for the pie photo! Pie is the best part of any holiday meal in my book.
I'm havin' pie for breakfast!
Our Thanksgiving was great (I wrote a summary on my blog).
We had the best gravy I'd ever had! I like you enjoy the bread as my favorite part. I could eat rolls and stuffing and that would feel like Thanksgiving to me!
Mmm...those pies look yummy! I'd have to start with the pie and see if there was any room for turkey (that'd most likely be a yes)
Thank you for showing me near a man's weight in pie - you have fulfilled my Going Country Make-a-Wish.
If I bring my own space heater and another animal, can I come live with you? I'll do the dishes if you'll just let me eat...
Ohhh I love pie, especially for breakfast. I sneek into the kitchen and eat a slice before going on to make the kids oatmeal...poor kids, lol!
You have just a beautiful place of a family gathering. Be careful though you may do it so well that they all come back every year!!! Kim
Susan: I do not think you would want to do dishes in our house.
Try to add this equation in your head: 21 people + dinner plates + forks + spoons + knives + wine glasses + water glasses + coffee cups + serving dishes + dessert plates + pots and pans + NO DISHWASHER.
And what does that equal? One big dishwashing nightmare. Trust me when I tell you that you don't want to be anywhere near our kitchen after we have a big party.
You have strawberry rhubarb pie and that is my ultimate fave.
SO JEALOUS RIGHT NOW. Even though I'm still full. FIVE DAYS LATER.
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