Thursday, November 6, 2008

Spaghetti with Weirdness

Hey, remember that time I explained how I bastardize recipes*? Well, I did that last night, and the bastard turned out so well, I was congratulating myself, OUT LOUD, in the kitchen. And I'm going to tell you about it.

The MiL wasn't home for dinner last night. Because she has a sensitivity to wheat, I use the nights she's not here for things like pasta and pizza. I wanted pasta. And I had a bunch of leftover butternut squash in the refrigerator. What to do with those two ingredients? To the Internet! Where I learned that it's almost mandatory to pair butternut squash with sage when making a pasta sauce. Well, THAT worked out well, because we have a big bunch of sage still in the garden, and I never know what to do with sage.

But after the Sage Commandment, the recipes varied wildly. Roast the squash, grate the squash, puree the squash? Onions, shallots, or garlic? Butter, olive oil, cream? Cue improvisation!

The squash was already cooked, so that took care of that. I have a lot of shallots, so I caramelized them in some butter, added roughly chopped sage, threw in the cut-up squash, and then added some roasted, ground-up squash seeds that have been lounging around in the refrigerator since I made that lima bean thing.

At this point, it would have made a good side dish, but it wasn't very . . . saucy. So I added a little bit of cream and some of the pasta boiling water. Then I threw the cooked pasta in there, mixed it all up, and stirred in some Romano cheese. Then I tasted it. Then I said, and this is an exact quote, "Holy shit, that's good." Despite the fact that the only one in the kitchen with me was Mia, and she was busy licking the floor so I was basically talking to myself. But really, it was so surprisingly good that I didn't even mind sounding like a crazy person.

In fact, it was SO good, I took a picture of it before I ate. FOR YOU. And you know I don't like delaying the moment when I get to shovel food in my face.

Well, I didn't say it was a GOOD picture.

So what did A. think of this masterpiece? Well, first he poked suspiciously at the squash and asked what it was. I said just eat it, you'll like it. Then, halfway through the eating part, I asked if he knew what it was. And what did he call my gourmet, fancy-pants, DELICIOUS pasta dish?

Yup--spaghetti with weirdness.

Sometimes I wonder why I bother . . .

* Thanks to Finny for the perfect phrase to describe this process.


Anonymous said...

First of all, it's a really good picture. Colors of fall and all that, with strategically placed squash on top of spaghetti - front page cooking magazine material. Also, portion control comes to mind - all around very healthy. I wouldn't have expected any other comment from A.

Since you're giving out recipes, how about the french fries that your sister said were the best she's ever had - and, as you know, she eats out a lot. I know it's tough to pin down the specifics, but you love a challenge, right?

SaraPMcC said...

Looks like some tasty squashsta!

Sweet Bird said...

That sounds freakin' outstanding.

Anonymous said...

Cream? Romano cheese? PASTA? Those are three of my favorite foods, right there. I officially challenge A's call of "weirdness." More like DELICIOUSNESS, I say!

Anonymous said...

God, I am such a kitchen underachiever. That looks yummy!

(My verification word: swallano. Which is either fitting for a food post, or just filthy.)

YD, sometimes with ♥June and ♥Angel Samantha said...

That's quite a combination! At least A ate husband would probably won't even come near it.

FinnyKnits said...

YUM! I love weirdness! It makes all food good!

Well, no it doesn't, but this does sound good. I wish my farmshare would hurry the F up and give me some butternut squash.

Or acorn squash.

*Sigh* good job :)

Anonymous said...

When I cook, those whom I am cooking for are grateful. Or they are not eating my cooking again.

Very simple. The first bite is tasted and commented upon favorably, and thus the next round of cookery is insured.

A is playing with FIRE!