Monday, November 16, 2009

And a Happy Monday to You, Too

I just logged into my Yahoo account and glanced at the "news" story they always highlight before you click through to e-mail. The title of this particular one was, "Stressful Careers that Pay Badly." Can you imagine sitting at your desk on a Monday morning, logging into Yahoo for a little distraction from your misery, and reading that your job not only sucks, but is badly paid to boot? I mean, I'm sure those people KNOW their jobs suck, and almost everyone thinks they aren't paid enough, but still. Bad timing on the part of Yahoo.


Anonymous said...

This made me laugh, then cry. Because yes: bad timing.

Anonymous said...

May be a subtle way to make you feel better about your job? So at least YOUR job isn't on the list and it could be worse....?


The Trail Boss said...

How funny! I don't know if my job is on that list, but it definitely should be.
Debbie -

Chiot's Run said...

I saw that too, and Mr Chiots used to have one of those jobs. Not anymore, he up and quit and started his own business.

Anonymous said...

Life is just stressful! period!

Susan said...

I am sooooo glad I didn't see that this morning. You know, just in case.

Or maybe I could have used a laugh at someone else's expense. I'm usually good for one of those.

Daisy said...

My job might just be on that list; I'm an elementary teacher.