Except you probably didn't even know I was gone. But I AM back. Back from our exciting and TOTALLY USELESS excursion to find summer-weight nursing apparel. For me, obviously. Cubby seems able to nurse regardless of his outfit.
I mean, we drove ALL THE WAY to the Not As Small City, which is a good 45 minutes away. We packed up Cubby and I got A. to come with me so he could haul Cubby around while I looked for clothes. This was an expedition, y'all. We went to Target and didn't find anything for me, although A. found some pants. Then we drove around some looking for a maternity store with nursing clothing that supposedly exists in that city. Except it totally doesn't. After an hour of useless Target shopping and searching for this made-up store, we finally gave up and went to a Chinese buffet for lunch. Which I had to leave after about 10 minutes because Cubby decided that no, it was not time for Mommy to eat, it was time for Cubby to eat. And the car, which was the only available place for Cubby-feeding, was about a million degrees from the sun.
So. Not a successful day in general. But the sun will come out tomorrow! Hopefully not too hot, though, since I don't have any clothes for it. Dammit.
shopping online?
They don't have a Babies R Us in the not-so-small-city? I bet they'd have mommy nursing gear.
Yard sales, thrift shops, Goodwill.
Not exactly sure what you are looking for ...blouses that open in front to whip one out? ;) Something that opens and yet will cover cubby too? They make nursing aprons which cover you both and you don't have to wear it all the time either and can wear regular , what you already have, clothes.Beth
word verification tonisese
new long painted fingernail vocal group
shop online at Ebay (will be cheap)or Motherhood maternity.....although I got 95% of my nursing clothes from ebay....
Ooohh, wish I'd known. I have a few places to recommend in that little city. Next time...
I would have just fed him in the restraunt. I did get some strange looks once nursing my child in Hooters. But I just told the person giving me the stink eye "What? It's what THEY'RE FOR!!"
Hahaha, Anonymous - I love that you nursed your child in Hooters! I nursed a couple of times in a restaurant; it made my Dad pretty uncomfortable, but I'll be damned if I'm going to go out to a hot car like I'm doing something wrong. I second the motion for the nursing apron, although I just used a lightweight blanket and sewed a little strap onto it that I put around my neck so the kid wouldn't pull it off.
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