Wednesday, April 14, 2010


I did a lot of digging yesterday. And will likely do a lot more today. Although we have access to a family member's tilling machine, we can never seem to get it here in time for the spring plantings. Also, the soil in our garden varies from square foot to square foot, so that one patch will be dry and workable while another is still sodden and clumpy. Makes it kind of hard to use the tiller. That's why our early plantings tend to be all over the place, as we search out the driest spot to plant the early lettuce, then the next-driest to plant the beets. And so on.

Yesterday I managed to get in beets, carrots, and snap and snow peas before Cubby woke up. And before my arms, back, and legs gave out. Today, assuming I get an uninterrupted hour or so in which to work (got that, Cubby?), I should be able to plant parsley, dill, chard, parsnips, and turnips. And then I'll probably collapse in a heap and demand that A. push me around in Cubby's stroller for the rest of the day because I'll be crippled.

Oh well. It's good exercise. Who needs fancy weight machines when there are ten tons of dirt to be lifted, right? Right.

Pass the ibuprofen.


Phoo-D said...

Ow indeed! We finally got a used rototiller this spring, and while it doesn't eliminate the digging, it sure has helped a lot. Hope Cubby sleeps like a brick today so you can get more done!

Anonymous said...

You would be surprised how much easier the tiller is. Makes gardening a pleasure. If A. had to turn it over by thinking the tiller would be there..tout suite.

word verification illil

tongue excersize...try it

Kristin @ Going Country said...

Now now. No A.-bashing please. He works too hard for me to allow that. Someone has to earn the filthy lucre required for us to keep this property on which my garden is situated.

Alicia said...

have fun!

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry , I didn't mean it as A-bashing. Truly. :) Sorry.
How big is your garden?

Kristin @ Going Country said...

Approximately 2,800 square feet. Or the approximate size of my sister's house. That's not a joke.

FinnyKnits said...

Yeah, I don't think you need any New Mommy workout classes - that yard will do just fine.

Just don't forget your gloves and hat. Oh, and water. You know.

Daisy said...

Ow! We inherited a tiller when my FIL moved from his house into an apt. It's so, so handy. If you have the chance to procure one of your own, go for it!