Saturday, September 18, 2010


I thought about telling you today how I investigated a bowl of tomatoes last night that seemed to have a very large number of fruit flies swarming around it and found a tomato on the very bottom of the bowl that had rotted to liquid and provided a very nice breeding ground for fruit fly larvae, which meant all the rest of the tomatoes at the bottom of the bowl had what looked like teeny little grubs all over them.

Then I thought that was too gross to share and also a little bit embarrassing that I had allowed that bowl to go unnoticed for so long that it was breeding insects.

But I appear to have told you anyway. Happy Saturday!


Phoo-D said...

Ugh. I have been battling epic numbers of fruit flies this summer too. They are driving me insane!

Alicia said...

Stab the flies. It's good precision practice.

LOL. like I've ever stabbed a fly.

rls said...

Inspired by your honestly, I will confess that the same thing happened to me a few weeks ago. Ew.

Verification word: pungly. Hee!

Daisy said...

That's life. I've had too many fruit flies this year, too. My daughter complains. I guess I won't make her any more salsa.

Haley said...

I found a loaf of bread in my breadbox that had rotted into a liquid. It happens.

Back when I was in college, we started seeing a lot of fruit flies on my freshman hall. Finally at the end of the year, a girl found a rotten apple in the top of her closet. Don't ask me why she put an apple there.

Elsie said...

Been there, done that. Ew about says it.