Friday, August 5, 2011

It's Almost Afternoon Already?

How did that happen? Oh. Right. No morning nap.

Not for me, of course, though I would dearly love to be able to take a morning nap. No, sadly it was Cubby who elected to not sleep this morning, instead whirling around like a dervish, eating anything put in the proximity of his face (bread and cream cheese, peaches, egg salad, pickled green beans, blueberries, Cheerios . . the kid is a black hole), stacking blocks, rolling around, and generally just . . . not sleeping.

So. Here it is, noon. I'm just eating my lunch now and I have gotten very little done so far today. Other than keeping an apparently starving child hell-bent on his own destruction alive and fed, which I suppose is something.

Now I must go make some panzanella for a party we're supposed to attend tonight. With tomatoes from the garden, because at least they're managing to produce something edible despite the drought. Panzanella is also supposed to include a cucumber, and that, I do not have. What kind of garden doesn't produce cucumbers, of all things? Oh, right. This year's shitty garden. Usually I have so many cucumbers they're rotting in the crisper. This year I can't even come up with one lousy cucumber for panzanella.

Oh well. At least I have the tomatoes. That's what's really important.

Happy Friday, duckies!


Toni said...

It is really amazing how much little boys eat. I sent my oldest two out to play at 9 and in the next two hours they came back no less than 5 times requesting snacks. The kitchen closed after the first two, but judging by the tomato seeds all over their clothes they must have successfully foraged in the garden.

Anonymous said...

Oh how I wish my grandson would eat like your Cubby. Our little guy hardly eats anything.

Charade said...

If you think he eats a lot now, just wait until he's a teenager. And if you think he eats a lot as a teenager, just wait until he's in his early thirties and comes home for an occasional meal. ;>)

FinnyKnits said...

My cucumbers are sucking wind, too. It's actually quite frightening to think we'll get to winter without a dozen jars of pickles.

I shudder to think it...

Enjoy those tomatoes. I expect horror stories soon.