Wednesday, August 3, 2011

A Photo Tour of Disappointment

This has been a very odd summer. Not only has it been hot, which isn't so strange by itself, but it's been dry. Very dry. Like, almost desert conditions dry. No rain, low humidity, lots of sun. While I sort of enjoy the low humidity and the lack of mildew on the walls in the bathroom, the garden is not so happy.

Allow me to show you the sadness.

Sad squash. This whole area should be covered with vines of Chioggia pumpkins, butternut squash, and cucumbers all up those pallets. Alas, no cucurbits, thanks to no rain.

Sad beans. Bush beans on the right, pole beans on the left. The bush beans produced for about a week before giving up, the pole beans have grown and grown, but have not yet evidenced a single flower to indicate any beans to come. Because, I have no doubt, there has been no rain.

Sad Ronde de Nice zucchini. Of the eight (admittedly somewhat aged) seeds I planted, only two germinated. One was killed by drought, leaving me with a single, solitary zucchini plant way in the back there. Sniff.

Sad tomatoes. Okay, actually the tomatoes aren't TOO sad. A few of the Romas had blossom end rot, but I have been harvesting some Stupice, Baby Cakes, and Black Krims. I don't think the plants will produce as much as they can this year, though, thanks to the whole no rain thing.

This is where Penny the hen has been laying her eggs, high up in the hay barn. I included this photo to relieve the depression a little bit. Her eggs are delicious, and we anticipate the seven Rhode Island Red hens we seem to have will start laying soon. Rain or no rain.


Phoo-D said...

What a bummer. I can commiserate this year. Other than 4 tomatoes, a handful of black raspberries, a few eggplant and several English cucumbers our garden is on strike this summer too. Lack of water or too much water, either one is a kicker.

Anonymous said...

With all our rain, we have had no tomatoes yet, and only one little squash is trying to grow in the garden. But we don't depend on the garden (or put in all the work) as you do, so I am so sorry it's been such a tough year! Mary in N

Sherry said...

What a shame after all the effort you put into the garden.

Charade said...

Geez, how disheartening. I hope there is eventually some soothing rain and your plants can hang on until it comes. We seem to be living in a very scary environment right now, don't we?

Anonymous said...

You went to so much work for that garden...what a sad sight. Hopefully next year will be better.

Lana from Farm Life Lessons said...

Well...I am glad that the eggs taste great! :-/

to mere said...

Guess you don't have to worry so much about all those weeds this year. Brings my thoughts back to the farmers of yore who'd be looking at a really lean winter.

Daisy said...

My bush beans have given up, too. The pole beans (the bullies) have tried twining around the bush beans instead of their trellis. Maybe that has something to do with it.
My tomatoes are looking promising - and so is the weather forecast. woo-hoo!!

Mollie @ Jennings Brae Bank Farm said...

Sorry about your garden. Ours has had some issues too. A very wet early summer and now all this heat, it hasn't helped some of the plants. There's always next year right?

Garey said...

Well, I don't really think it will work.
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