Friday, February 18, 2022

Friday Food: Homecoming Brisket


Short version: Concession stand dinners

Long version: We got spirit, yes we do! 

This was homecoming night, which at our school is during basketball season. We always go to the game, but this year, we went for alllll the games. That meant A. and the older two boys were there for 8 hours (they wanted to watch their friend's PeeWee basketball game before the school teams played), and I was there with the younger two for 5 hours. 

We had to stay until the very end because Jack was the crown bearer for the homecoming king. He wore a little suit and yes, it was just as cute as you imagine. I was too far away to get a really good photo, though.

Also, the older elementary kids have been practicing basketball skills all year during P.E. so they could do a demonstration during one of the half times, complete with the Harlem Globetrotters music. It was quite entertaining.

I was actually pretty impressed at how far the kids had come with their ball-handling skills. Good work, P.E. teacher!


I suppose I could have packed food to bring with us, but this is one of the very few nights in the year that I even have an option for food prepared by someone else, somewhere else. And they went all out at the concessions for this game, offering a brisket dinner with green beans, rolls, potatoes, lemonade and dessert. So that's what we all got. It was actually very good. I knew it would be, because the English teacher smoked all the briskets in her smoker at home.

Hooray for tiny schools in cattle country. And hooray for not cooking OR doing dishes.


Short version: Beef pot roast, boiled potatoes, roasted beets, still-frozen green beans, baked apples

Long version: The oven was on for quite a while for the pot roast, which is why I also made the beets, fennel (which we didn't actually eat until the next day, because I totally forgot about it when I was serving up), and baked apples with the apples that were in the frozen Misfits Market delivery.


Short version: The belated birthday blowout--shrimp, Italian sausage, spaghetti alfredo, baked fennel, chocolate cheesecake

Long version: Cubby's birthday was Friday, when we were at homecoming. And I was too busy Friday (in addition to homecoming, it was a teacher in-service day) to make his requested cheesecake (I use this recipe) so it could chill overnight. So I made it Saturday instead and Sunday dinner included all of Cubby's requests.

A. bought the shrimp and Italian sausage when he was in Santa Fe for Calvin's hunter education a few weeks ago. The sausage was just store-brand links, but it was real Italian sausage and I was so excited. We literally cannot get real Italian sausage anywhere at any of the stores that are "close" to us (you can imagine where we live as the remote center of a wheel with spokes that run 90 miles in different directions to get to three bigger towns with grocery stores).

Unfortunately, since A. didn't know if it would be any good, he only got two packages. But you can bet next time he goes there (which is probably not anytime soon), I'm going to have him buy them out. I do miss Italian sausage.


Short version: Leftover shrimp, scrambled eggs and bacon, leftover potatoes, raw tomatoes and radishes

Long verison: Oh, could you tell this was a work day? Yeah.  Here, have a random picture.

We only have one child still young enough to ride on Daddy's shoulders.


Short version: Leftover cafeteria hot dogs, leftover baked beans, leftover eggs, bread and butter, raw tomatoes

Long version: And you could probably tell from this that it was another work day, although not a typical one for me. I was subbing for the other teachers aide. The hot dogs were left over from lunch the day before at the cafeteria, and they're actually pretty good all-beef hot dogs. Not that hot dogs are ever health food, but as hot dogs go, these aren't the worst by a long shot.

Also, they went perfectly with the container of almost-Grandma-Brown's baked beans from last week that I froze. It was kind of like a summer meal in winter.


Short version: Leftover spaghetti, fried pork, sauteed green beans

Long version: Yet another work day, but not all leftovers. Yay me!

I had roasted tomatoes and garlic along with the pot roast on Saturday, and I used my immersion blender to puree that along with some cottage cheese to make a sauce for the spaghetti, which was extra I had cooked on Sunday.

The pork was two cans of the commodities canned pork, which is always surprisingly not-gross when it's cooked. It comes out of the cans looking and smelling like dog food, but so does the bull meat I canned myself. Anyway, I just fried it with spices and added some of the tomato sauce to it, and it was good.

I had to use up the fresh green beans from the Misfits Market order the week before, as they were on the verge of no longer usable, so I actually de-stemmed and sauteed green beans, which, yes, counts as an impressive feat on a worknight for me.


Short version: Ground beef tacos

Long version: I made the corn tortillas, and we had lettuce AND tomato, so it was a Deluxe Taco Night. Or something.

Okay, your turn! What'd you eat this week?


Anonymous said...

Yay, Jack!
Your mention of hot dogs & baked beans made me hungry for summertime grilling season.
I'm happy for you that you had a night off from cooking & the food was good.

chicken stir fry, rice, garlic bread sticks
pork chop/spinach skillet, broccoli casserole, garlic sticks
spaghetti & meatballs, broccoli, cherry pie
tilapia, zucchini, roasted potatoes, garlic sticks
mini quiches, cabbage, naan
And for tonight, skillet dish of grd. beef/cabbage/carrots, roasted potatoes, naan

Kit said...

Friday-lima bean casserole from the freezer, sourdough biscuits
Saturday-beef stew, yogurt for the 6 year old, chocolate chip cookies
Sunday-spaghetti with cheese (no sauce), peas
Monday-lentil spinach soup, sourdough biscuits
Tuesday-liver and bacon, baked potatoes, tossed salad
Wednesday-leftover vegetable beef soup, sourdough bread
Thursday-chicken enchiladas, broccoli

mbmom11 said...

Friday- grilled cheese maybe?
Saturday - I was helping at concession stand for a b-ball tournament, so husband made spaghetti Kids helped themselves to bagels as well.
Sunday - baked chicken, cauliflower, broccoli, rice.
Monday - hamburgers, chicken patties, and waffle fries. peas? Applesauce?
Tues- stew meat, carrots, string beans, egg noodles.
Wed - grilled cheese and potato chips, chicken sandwich for husband. And any leftovers the kids wanted to scrounge.
Thursday - crazy day with kids out early from school due to snow (why do they always let them out right when the snow is the worst?). So I punted and made scrambled eggs, corn bread, and bacon for kids, husband had more chicken I think.
Full disclosure: There was dessert every day - brownies or cookies - and I do have a vegetarian kid at home who eats some of what I make and then has fake chicken patties or beyond burgers or cheese as well. I sometimes go fancy for vegetarian food (3 older kids are also vegetarian) but when only one of them is home, my standards fall.

Anonymous said...

Hello all, this week we ate:

Monday - Chicken parmesan (random thought: why would anyone pay almost twenty dollars for this? It's so much better homade....cheaper to. Thanks, I feel better) spinach salad with oranges, bread

Tuesday - Roasted yams, peppers and onions together and served over rice with dragon sauce

Wendsday - Saw a bumper sticker that said:

Stop reading my bumper sticker
Your such a rebel
I like you.

It made me laugh after a rotten rainy day and well, I decided right then and there to make blueberry pancakes and sausages for dinner.

That's right.

Cake slathered in butter and doused with sweet syrup...for dinner.

I'm a rebel and I like me.

Thursday - Spinach and cheese quiche, apple slices and toast

Friday - Have pinto beans and a ham hock waiting for us in the crockpot when I get home...if I feel up to it I'll make cornbread to go with...or I might just be lazy and serve with cheese and onions on top and eat with corn chips.

Happy weekend everyone!

Anonymous said...

Hey there...I've got a veggiesaur to. Thankfully she's interested in cooking so on Sunday we hash out what's on the menu (well...unless you read a funny bumper sticker and your meal plan dive bombs that is) anyway...we do a few dishes for her to have throughout the week to round out her meals if us meat eaters are having something that she won't helps to know she's covered just in case.

Pam said...

Friday - can't remember
Saturday - pizza with spicy red sauce, hot Italian sausage, mushrooms, yellow pepper
Sunday - cheese and membrillo on crackers, guacamole and corn chips. We had eaten a late and substantial lunch so snacks during the Super Bowl were all we needed
Monday - can't remember, must be brain dead
Tuesday - chicken and bean tacos. This one isn't hard to remember because Taco Tuesday!
Wednesday - moose burgers in red wine mushroom sauce, egg noodles, sauteed parsnips
Thursday - same as Wednesday
Pam in Maine

Anonymous said...

hello ? is what is this leftover shrimp you speak of??? LOL Never any leftover here aa it is such a treat!!!

Kristin @ Going Country said...

Anonymous: It's a rare treat here, too, but as only two members of the family eat much of it, it doesn't disappear as fast as most foods do in our house.