Sunday, September 3, 2023

Snapshots: A Select Few

I really didn't take many photos this week. And what I did get is . . .unimpressive. 

Oh well! That's reality! Here's what I do have.

The window guys put on the windows, but A. spent a full day repairing screens so we can actually open the windows without letting in every fly and grasshopper in the county.

It's very hard to take a photo of screens, but you see where the window just looks really dirty at the bottom there? That's the screen reflecting the light. Yay, A.!

I don't know why I took a terrible photo of the bull in the pasture across the road, but apparently, I did.

Black bulls do not photograph well. Especially when they're far away.

And last, I went with a simple profusion of sunflowers for the table bouquet this week.


There you have it! My (minimal) life, snapshotted.


Gemma's person said...

Well, you could've told us Poppy took them all, but you didn't. Glad you are over being sick. Now, I wish you no more sickness for the school year. You have done it and that should be enough.

Tu mere said...

The sunflowers make the whole photo thing worthwhile. Yay changing seasons, and no hurricane winds.